CBD Oil For Pain – Truth About CBD Oil

Thanks for watching guys. I really want to spread the message about this wonderful gift of nature. CBD oil have changed my life …


  1. Ive tried 5 recommended products now, 4 from a State Dispensary; one from a private dealer in Colorado. NONE of them would touch my osteoarthritis pain. Only benefit I had was sleepyness. Most were labeled as very high in cannabidiol. I give up.

  2. Hi where do you live I am in the U.K and I am using CBD oil for anxiety and muscle spasms due to tourettes syndrome I want to change brands.
    I live in the U.K but do not want to pay huge shipping costs and dutie tax to you know of a good brand available in the U.K

  3. is the whole bottel 600 mg or do u take 600 mg a day? i have 50mg cbd 3.4mg thc capsules that are lab grade lab tested my good friend is big in the industry n made from the hemp strain its a full spectrum cbd oil with all terpines intact i take 200-300 mgs in 50 mg caps spaced out from morning to night time for pain management i just had steel screws n plates instulled in my left four arm from a bad biking injury n im thinking 300mg works pretty great i allso injest full spectrum bho canabis extract capsules about 100-150 mgs a day spaced out in 30 mg doses n its just great 🙂 i pay 2.50$ per 50mg full spec cbd pill from the maker thank goodness i know him well cuz its a huge rip off buying cbd at shops and on line i find unfortunately alot of ppl have no choice

  4. Thank you so much for putting this video up. I’ve been couch-ridden with chronic abdominal pain for over a year. The doctors don’t know what’s wrong. They even took my gallbladder out — and there was nothing wrong with it! I can’t do anything physical. At all. You made me feel comfortable enough to try this. I’m hoping and praying this works — ASAP. I love that you’re working with animals, too. You’re a good man! Thank you for everything. I subscribed to your channel. I can’t get enough information on the CBD oil, and anything to do with animals makes me happy! xo

  5. I Really Like it, I suffer from fibromialgia, I use the 300mg… I was hoping that some one else used it… Because at first I wasn't to sure about it… But this is exactly my second bottle… The first one was 100mg and the rep told me that mist of the people that suffer from fibromialgia uses 300mg…

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