How Two Sisters Are Reviving Damaged Farmland With Hemp

Take the 2023 PBS Survey: Before 1937, hemp had been used for millennia as a means of …


  1. Женщины прекрасны как само растения!!!!! Здоровья и счастья и любви!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ курите братья!!!!!!! Ветеран бд Андрей

  2. He carried a legal Card For right notification and that he worked for Wyandotte Chemical Company via the federal government. I saw his ID but didn't realize how cool yhat would be now! I did put it with my book report as a show-n-tell!

  3. Bill Green (dad) worked for Wyandotte Chemical and our government sent him to Kansas for the 2nd WW! FOR hemp! He told Frank and me it was hemp that allowed humans to expand their lands because it was used for sailing etc. And without it we wouldn't be here! I was about 11 when he told me how important it was and IS! He was opposed to it for consumption !!

  4. The millionaire slash billionaire Hurst with all the newspapers wanted to get rid of hemp so he could use his vast Forest land holdings to make paper to print his newspaper on so he was behind getting rid of hemp

  5. It was really interesting to find out that hemp can pull heavy metals/toxins out of the soil. But has anyone studied where the plant stores them? Is the plant or parts of it still usable somehow if used in such soil cleaning fashion?

  6. Yeah, I know you can make aprons out of hemp and all but you are growing gooey reefer to get high no? This looks like a Humboldt County stoner-smurf farm rather than a hemp farm. CBD? or a keylime Smirkle Cheesecake-cookie smelling dab crop? lets be honest. this isnt for rope…

  7. This is an awesome plant, would luv to do what u guys are doing but difficult in paperwork and costs, so congratulations and all the great work ahead with this wonderful miracle plant, stay focused ❤

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