Study finds 90% of Arizona hemp farmers failed from 2019 to 2021. Here’s why

In 2019, many Arizona hemp farmers jumped into the market, focusing on a particular product from hemp: CBD.


  1. There’s more than enough CBD from the marijuana industry.

    Clothing and rope materials are the real business, big synthetic fibre companies won’t let that happen until the environmental crisis taxes them out of business, in the mean time I guess they’ll be buying up all the alternatives… that’s how monopolies work, they push everyone out until their system looks like it’ll be superseded and they move to whatever is next… at least the immoral people won’t have a choice but to trade sustainably.
    Every company has to grow to survive, a monopoly doesn’t, it means they can make the moral choices given the right management. This itself is why monopolies are both illegal and actually the only way to do truly ethical business, a paradox 😅

  2. We been growing hemp for years with a manufacturing/growing license but they passed laws saying we couldn't sell CBD products in our stores. that really screwed us in mass and over the last 3 years since that law passed about no selling CBD many of the small farms that started with us closed down as their was no money in it as the whole point of us growing hemp was for CBD. no edibles, no tinctures, NOTHING with CBD but if you go to a dispensary they have them, go to even a gas station they have them but if you have a license to grow it you can't do it or you lose your license to grow. They screwed small time farmers in massachusetts. The MDAR also made us burn whole crops that went over the 3% even if it was just barely over which lost thousands of dollars. They told us it would be great in the beginning for small farmers but no it wasn't as now they just use big corporations that grow their own so you can't even sell the hemp. Can't even sell the hemp to other states with those new laws. Its really messed up. Sadly our last hemp harvest was last year as it just wasn't worth it to keep doing with no way to sell it or use it to make products.


    I got out my pipe stuffed it with pot

    You better believe it held a whole lot.

    I whipped out a lighter thumbed up a flame

    Sucked down that smoke which comforts my brain.

    I tried alcohol smoked cigarettes

    They did nothing but give me regrets.

    My mom had arthritis could not walk around

    I rolled her a joint she danced on the ground.

    I thought I was losing my lovemaking knack

    After I smoked some to me it came back.

    Soon I decided prices were high

    I searched for some ground I wouldn't have to buy.

    I bargained for seeds from smokers all around

    Got in my truck and drove out of town.

    I walked through the woods where wild birds nest

    Found me the meadow I thought was the best.

    I dug up the ground sowed all my seeds

    Said a small prayer for strong, healthy weeds.

    I watered at night with a five-gallon pail

    Mosquitoes went hungry for I wore a veil.

    Seven months went by; I thought I would die

    Till the Halloween moon was high in the sky.

    At night I went out, in a camouflage suit

    Used my corn knife to chop down the loot.

    I hung it up to dry where it couldn’t be found.

    Came back and got it, when it had turned brown.

    I trimmed off the buds, stuffed them in bags

    Called all my friends and passed out free drags.

    In less than a week my crop was gone

    I flew to St. Thomas with a love hungry blonde!!

    By Tom Zart

    Most Published Poet On The Web!

    Google = Pot farmer Poem

  4. Privately funded startups with everything run by businessmen. Don't believe the hype. It's not Harry Potter Hocus pocus. It's farming and these farmers chose to invest their money in the least marketable product in the country. Are you really surprised they failed?

  5. CBD cant compete with THC because it needs to be paired with THC to work. Regular cannabis already produces cbd and other cannabinoids. CBD to a regular smoker is seen as a knock off product because of all the cbd that was coming out of the country so it has a bad stigma to it. CBD never had a market to begin with because the common reaction to cbd is people complain it doesnt get you high. Whats sad is hemp isnt vastly produced like normal products so the cost of producing spoons/forks is more to that of a conventional spoon/fork for example. Not to mention the amount of water these farmers are using for a failed crop. Its just not smart unless its done right. We already got the saudis wasting our water supply.

  6. My MAGA sources tell me that the Jan 6 murderous traitors and cowardly racists who defecated in OUR U.S. capital used 100% hemp rope in their attempt to string up the vice president to keep their savior, Birther J. McDumbass, in the white house.

    If there's a punchline to this story, it escapes me right now.

  7. Hemp products can't compete with cotton and petroleum products because the retailers don't want it around. CBD is good but you need the whole spectrum – you got to look at the products you can make with hemp. People are ready for affordable hemp clothes and products.

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