Tennesseans getting high on new “legal weed” Delta-8

Delta-8 is a cannabinoid derived from hemp that is legally sold in Tennessee. The USDA’s Farm Bill allows the sale of Delta 8 …


  1. Cue:🎵 banjo music, with a jaw-harp playing 🎶… "well meanwhile, back at the ranch"… some good 'ol boys are smoke'n Delta 8, and target practicing with the windows on their house… and the neighbor's windows too… "yee-ha"!! dem dare winders is gone!?" "momma!, fetch me dem dare young'ns… bring 'em out-sod…😮

  2. its cannabis not "weed" stop criminalizing something that has never killed anyone. The dumbest drug we ever legalized is Alchohol don't believe then explain the 95,000 people that die to it a year

  3. From working in a vape shop, its crazy to me how many people arent really educated on what Delta 8- Delta 9 really is. I have never had anyone get seriously sick off of the Delta 8- Delta 9 products, as well as i jave tried most of the products that we carried and never felt any adverse effects. A lot of these adverse affects, come from those who are first time users that dont think theyve done enough because they expect a stronger high, and use more of it than what they should. It also depends on the brand as well. Unfortunately, Louisiana doesnt allow many Delta 8- Delta 9 products over a certain doseage, and with that comes a lot of issues. For example, one of my customers ate too many gummies because she didnt feel much after about 30 minutes, and wpuld guve herself a mini stroke because she ate waaaayyy too much. As a former seller of the stuff, you really have to do your research, make educated decisions with this, and be smart about buying something that is considered still to be a drug in most states. Its not good for you, but if you choose to use it, be smart about using the cleanest products you can get.

  4. The truth, you won’t get high. Only a slight buzz cause the way it’s processed. All you do is smoke your brains out trying to get high. It’s very low high. Very low. You’ll just smoke your brains out. And it’s very expensive. Delta 9 is the real weed the potent smoke that will get you very stoned. Can’t buy it legally.

  5. I have been using Delta 8 for nerve pain and PTS. Works better then the big PHAR drugs. I am 70 years old and just failed a drug test. They make no distinction between this and pot.

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