What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? February 18, 2024 admin Hemp 8 Taking a closer look at both the marijuana and hemp plants and you will discover the huge difference between the two.
Hemp is a better high, It's cleaner…I tried Delta 11 vape for the first time today…I immediately noticed a clean contact high…Made me aware and in a very good social mood and it lasted for ours…Much cheaper too Reply
Hemp = male cannabis produces less than 3% thc… weed = female cannabis bud produces up to 40% thc (duh) they're still cannabis lo justl male / female. Reply
Make guns illegal!!!
acting like he discovered CBD lol
Hemp is a better high, It's cleaner…I tried Delta 11 vape for the first time today…I immediately noticed a clean contact high…Made me aware and in a very good social mood and it lasted for ours…Much cheaper too
It actually is the same, just lower thc.
No difference
Yet you never describe what that "closer look" at the plants tells us. Too lazy to show us.
Hemp = male cannabis produces less than 3% thc… weed = female cannabis bud produces up to 40% thc (duh) they're still cannabis lo justl male / female.
I Love Marijuana.