Which Is Worse: Marijuana or Alcohol? | Dr. Daniel Amen

One of the most common things people want to know is whether alcohol or marijuana is worse for your brain and overall health.


  1. This Guy drinks. Omad, autophagy, 72 hour fasts recycles, regenerates, w taurine, fish oil, chlorophyll, and vaping or edibles are safer. Remember these Docs get perks for pushing pharmas

  2. It's all about moderation. I hate these type of videos because they focus only on chronic users and so yea of course when you have chronic users of any drug, it's not going to be good.
    But they never focus on those who have a beer or two every now or then, or those who smoke a joint every so often. That's why I hate these videos.

  3. I find this to be disingenuous. Quite simply people overdose and die often from alcohol and never, directly, from Marijuana. If your dead there is no more aging, so which one excelrates you to your last day quicker?

  4. Actual doctor here…dude is full of crap. Marijuana has been studied for many years as a pain killer and actually used for certain conditions and mental disorders. This guy may have some crystals in his basement in hopes to cure his mental illness but I'll stick to actual scientific proof

  5. If u can drink 1 or 2 drinks once in a blue moon and not be effected hats off to you.. im 39 i been to prison. Jails..juvie…. ect ect.. i wake up not knowing where im at.. black n blue wallet gone.. a few times.. im 4 years sober just weed n kratom.. ā¤ peace

  6. Watching too many clips by doctors can be addictive, make you blind and make you deaf.
    It can also encourage an irrational phobia of moderate ingestion of fermented and herbal foodstuffs, liquids, recreants and non-syndicated medicines that are gifted by nature (& thus not taxed or profiteerable & not contributing to offensive (h)armbudgets).
    Also beware of water – too much of it can make you drown, so let's all call for it to be outlawed too.

  7. The humam body has an endocannabinoidal system. Cannabis has been used as medicine for centuries. Please don't put it in the same category as alcohol. They are two very different substances.

  8. Not true at all marijuana safe my life. I could be on morphine right now but I chose to take edibles. The head director at the hospital even said there is what's a benefits from Cannabis. More benefits from cannabis than painkillers.

  9. I do both but I now smoke sparingly. I drink beer all day and smoke at night. And I am perfectly fine with whatever consequences come of it. Itā€™s worth the medicinal benefits physically and mentally to me personally. Not trying to convince anyone to start doing those things but yeah Iā€™m comfortable with my habits and am grateful for them both existing. The key is moderation.

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