Why outlawing cannabis was a HUGE mistake

We’ve used cannabis for tens of thousands of years. Not just to get high but also to make textiles, paper, medicine and much more …


  1. Climate change, never happened. The only thing that changed it's that people have become dumber under the comfort given to them by those who can take it if you don't follow the "climate" change ideology. The earth has survived, comets, corrosions, vulcan eruptions, ice ages, axis shifts, continent movementts, earth quakes…and you people think a plastic bag is going to kill humanity? Let me tell you something, after humans are gone and extinct due their own stupidity, the earth will recover and heal itself.. it's what it does, it's a self correcting mass organism, and afcourse after sun goes super nova, it's all over. But that's ok, everything in this universe dies and gets reborn somewhere else. Only humans tend to believe that they are in control of their lives, and that they can live forever due science. The earth has been around billions of years, humans what…200-300000…with modern industry bit older than 200 years with arrogance to be the saviors of this planet? We are not the saviors to the earth problem, we are the cause…and no diversity or globalist sustainable agenda is going to change anything but make it worse as it already is.

  2. Imagine a world without plastics where , we used biodegradable paper and cellulose products made from Hemp !
    Imagine a world with less opiate addiction , and less cocaine use, and less meth !

  3. Here in the UK we watch the world go by as we do nothing. Politicians spend all their time infighting. We cant even get it for medicinal purposes as the legal means to get it is unfit for purpose. Its pathetic.

  4. I believe that this plant, call it what you may, is the salvation of mankind medicinally, and it is vilified by the drug companies because of that fact. Their poisonous and profitable concocted medications would not be needed against this virtual panacea. How to break their iron grip on what we can or can’t use against their concocted poisonous cash crop medicines. I wish I knew. They are legal criminals.

  5. The massive amounts of denial surrounding marijuana is the most massive detriment to society as a whole. Every state to legalize has seen untold increases in violence, crime, theft, homelessness, shootings, and mental illness problems. Seattle, Portland, LA, and Colorado have seen such huge spikes that police started quitting. You addicts live in a constant state of denial

  6. The problem with hemp/cannabis is that it's near impossible to monopolize/monetize without regulation by government force. Most everyone can grow all they need for their own use. Criminalization created a huge $ stream for those well-positioned in alternatives in the pharmaceutical and textile industries plus all the $ made in the legal and penal systems. So many have no idea how bad we've been screwed…

  7. Well this product should never have been demonized as it was, it obviously was the cotton industry and once again the US that were the culprit for almost wiping out our most valuable crop given to us by nature, hopefully industry will embrace it and make more use of this fantastic crop

  8. All these pollution splls in to our rivers low level thc plants fenced off in the right areas could help clean the, nitrogen out of the water and help with the recovery back to clean water in a quicker time 14:12

  9. It's too late. for its still a drug. if the united states unbans it literally all over its states. i might consider it but until then it is still illegal

  10. No Mistake! Was banned using back handers and persuasion from big pharma, because you cant patent a molecule that already exists in nature (mind you they are trying) they even banned varieties that don't contain any active substance because they cant be arsed to test them all. Its a wonder plant!

  11. not if you are the Singapore PAP! according to them the "deviant West" aka Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 and all related research are wrong, and they are right. people have been hanged for trafficking cannabis in SG…

  12. But truly I am really glad we are able to get the information out to the world about the crazy chaos out there about the whole situation… I just wish we could have it all we want for free. That would rock. ❣️🤓

  13. Our clothing was made of hemp in communist romania. Never heard anyone of smoking it. Antibacterial and lasting 10 times longer.
    Your filthy corruption has done this .
    Same with adulterating the basic bread.

  14. To me it looks like it's a win win situation anyway you look at oh let's use construction CO2 dilemma I think is a bunch of holy BS and also the recreational use it has quite a bit of the THC I have heard and watched many videos that cures cancer which we need in emmie 8

  15. I remember reading about cannabis over two decades ago. At that time it was illegal across the globe. The information I gathered from that article was pretty much the same thing being stated here. It seemed illogical that such a superior plant would be deemed illicit, especially with the facts being brought to the forefront. Prior to the criminalization of this plant it was popular worldwide. I'd say it was possibly a billion dollar industry then. Yes, after reading that article, posted in the Riverfront Times, an alternative news source of that time, I knew it would have a comeback, once government could figure out how to make it work for their advantage. If millions upon millions of dollars were being made at the turn of the 20th century, then it seemed more than likely, it was going to make a comeback, and it did.

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