Why This Plant Could Save the World

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  1. Climate changes all the time. It is no excuse to govern anyone. The fact that climate change has been used as an excuse shows the intelligence of those who believe they are in control. Control, control, control. I wish I had started growing decades before it was legalized, because I can. Mr Dupont was the worst thing to ever happen to this planet next to Bill Gates and George Soros

  2. Now see how money and corruption can affect the thinking of people, DuPont is a disgraceful company, it has poisoned our world with there propaganda and products that have poisoned us as humans and our world in total with Teflon, we had a product that was given to us free from nature and we squandered it almost to oblivion, let’s hope we don’t fail or fall into these corrupt companies again and do it right this time for humanity sake

  3. Yo yo yoo….MONEY. This will disrupt a LOT of industries. I had sumn abt this in a research paper I did in middle school. Imagine growing your own paper, clothes, oil, and medicine all at once😭 Government were sick once they found out and had to cull it before mfs caught on lol

  4. This video was very informative, I'm sharing it with people who needs to be educated. It's really sad knowing how the prohibition has halted the progress in research of medical uses, causing us to be decades behind of finding potential cures for illnesses we now view as non-curable or non-treatable.
    I also strongly believe it has prevented us from the opportunity in making many of our productions a lot more sustainable (food, building materials, clothing, paper, bio-fuel, to cover a few basic needs), and a world less polluted than it is now.

    The prohibition has got to be one of the more profound mistakes we made the past century in my opinion. I'm not saying it will save the world, but it's a great place to start, knowing what we now know. People truly need to start seeing the bigger picture in order to understand. Thank you!

  5. Yes this must all be used! It helps with agriculture, construction and clothing, which all are terrible considering impact on climate and environment.

    The excess may also could be used as a way of biofuel, perhaps.
    I wish, that this will be lobbied further, so the other industries are slowly loosing their monopoly.

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