Ancient Cannabis Cult / History documentary

Cannabis sativa has been cultivated by humans for thousands of years both as a narcotic and also for making hemp fabrics.


  1. I do a little "cloud walking" myself. The history lesson is much appreciated. Not a 'bucket list' but interesting. The Sythians would have appreciated the modern cordless blower/hotbox combo. The shirts I'd wear.

  2. Oh the irony of me smoking weed and watching your indo european vids,( and the one on cheddar man and the western hunter gatherers and the ancient north eurasains vid) and finding a video like this. Cant ignore this now 😂

  3. 8 The most advanced ancient Royal elite super superior ancient civilized nations. Made sure all their loyal subjects were able to live and die to the highest standards of quality that were available during that time. and they can do this without anyone overstepping their boundaries. Because the end result of such a lifestyle. Is constant consisting physical mental financial spiritual progress occurring within each and every moment of life. That Level of care to oneself and others results in a truly positive force that is self perpetuating continuously. S.R.F.

  4. Please note that while "The Tarim mummies" are sometimes referred to as “white mummies” due to their color, this term does not reflect their ethnic or racial identity. The use of such terms can be misleading and is generally discouraged in academic discourse

  5. 1 cannabis is cannabis in spanish (not mexican or marijuana).
    2 marijuana was titled by the US gov to make it seem mexican.
    3 mexican isnt a language.
    4 marijuana isnt scientific terminology and has a racist backstory.

  6. Sir Robin Murray has great research from Brixton, South London, where he has his own clinic and dedicated his research towards schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder.

  7. Being a Canadian thc consumer and growing up around many others like myself I have seen a lot more benefit from thc/cbd than I have harm. The harm Ive seen caused by it was criminal records that held people back. A friend of mine has two sons, one that uses thc and the other totally against it. Guess who has the criminal record for violence being drunk, is the laziest one of the two and little to no motivation. And being a gateway drug is like saying drinking ginger ale is a gateway to alcoholism. Being illegal their has been little to no real studies and lots of misinformation. The main reason I am happy it is legal in Canada now is because people who were anti drug now see that most of the nonsense told about weed were lies.

  8. Weed is not a narcitic its an alcohol
    The reason people get psychosis is because they don't understand its psychedelic properties
    C Sativa: (the old strain) is much more powerful than modern day cannabis
    A lot of The terminology they're using means nothing it's a lot of newer terms that are very muddy definitions

  9. Interesting. Thanks for bringing all of that together. All of the linguistics got a bit tedious for me but a couple of points your doco did lead me to consider are:
    1. As it has been found around burial sites was it primarily used to alleviate the suffering of older /dying people and the evidence and focus on it being well preserved at these sites should not exclude unpreserved use in normal society of those times.
    2. The Zoroastrian priest travelling to the underworld on a concoction reminds me of the modern belief of astral travel by some. Are they linked? The words sure look similar.

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