Answering Questions About Weed Withdrawal & Insomnia

If you are struggling with weed withdrawal or THC withdrawal symptoms this AddictionMindset recovery coaching video is for you!


  1. I moderated for a few weeks before quitting.With me this helped with the eating and sleeping.I went from smoking 5 or 6 times daily to once.I think even still doing it once I had withdrawals,hard to eat for a week,very agitated and lots of anxiety.Since quitting the once a day habit I have experienced no more withdrawals.This is my experience only,you have to do what you feel is….your way.

  2. Depends how long u been a chronic. If its decades long Id consider only smoking at night and once you are used to not being stoned all day you can try once a week for a month, and then go for it.

  3. I am onto attempt #3 at quitting weed. The first time was pure hell and I crumbled in a week. The 2nd time I lasted 150 days then decided to celebrate my progress with a "little smoke" then I'll stop again but this didn't happen, the next day I wanted more and before I knew it I was back smoking weed more than ever and all my progress wiped out. Now I'm onto attempt #3 and It's been a week but this time I am weirdly enjoying the withdrawls as I know I'm going through a process for the better. I feel like the previous 2 attempts have taught me a lot and I'm stronger for it. The first 2 times I struggled to sleep but this time around I sleep just fine and quite look forward to my wacky dreams. I'm confident I'll be able stop it for good this time and this channel helps a lot, thanks!

  4. My partner quit nicotine 4 years ago after 26 years of trying 😆 4 years on she is now quitting weed after 37 years of smoking. She’s 56 and started smoking cigarettes at 11 and weed at 19 if she can do it anyone can… good luck everyone ❤️

  5. I quit smoking weed a couple months before new years of 2023 because i was positive i had chs, it wasnt cronic but when I smoked I didnt feel good, I wasnt able to eat, stayed in the shower 24/7 n lost 10lbs from not eating cuz i hated throwing up, i havent been wanting to feel the high but of the action of rolling or sparking a blunt or the action of smoking in general and ive been thinking on smoking a vape with 0 nic but smoking is still smoking what do i do

  6. From what I have seen, cbd products still contain trace amounts up to 0.3% of thc. I have never personally seen a fully absent thc, cbd product. If they do exist, i would like to know the benefits of it.

  7. Giving up weed was one of the best things I've ever done. I have tried it a few times since and all it served was to reinforce the reasons to stay of it!

  8. 👋🏼
    I’m in day 5 of my 1st serious attempt of quitting weed. I’ve considered weed my medicine for 25yrs. I have had only 1 anxiety attack since quitting thus far. But overall still feeling good about my decisions and determination to quit..
    My ? Iz ,, how n why do I smell weed in places that I know for sure would never have have that smell anywhere near it??
    Doesn’t seem to trigger me in anyway,, but why does it happen?

  9. Tomorrow will be one month weed free. I went cold turkey after 30 plus years of heavy use… Insomnia big time and when I do sleep I have really vivid dreams that are just insane… I hope that starts tapering off. Thanks for all the information!! And stay strong everyone!!

  10. Any advice for me going on day 3. I can’t sleep without waking up sweating like crazy. It’s getting hard and I feel like giving in. This is my 4th time quitting and so far my hardest.

  11. I’ve quit 1 month and 4 days ago today. I was smoking for 6 years hard core everyday. I don’t have urges to smoke at all and I didn’t have bad withdrawals till last week. I had a small fever and stomach issues. My head has been veryyy tingly for about 4 days now. Is this normal ?

  12. I started smoking weed daily just before the pandemic in 2019 to "help deal"with a break up at the time. It slowly became problematic until the summer of 2020. I didn’t realize it at the time but at that point i was on the hook. I was very easy for me to go through an oz or 2 in a week. In 2021 I just broke down mentally and told myself I need to quit. I naturally have pretty bad mood regulation and the weed just made it worse. I quit for 8 months then. That December, I trusted myself to have just one edible cookie. Wrong call. I fell back into it during all of 2022, in fact, I made it into my personality. Everyone knew I always had the best stuff on me at all times and I would roll these massive joints to try and impress people. So stupid.

    I quit again last year in July, that lasted about 6 months and then I fell off again when things got challenging for me again. I hope the third time is the charm. I know that my sleep suffers greatly when I quit and I'm super irritable but I know the cravings and negative withdrawal symptoms will only last me a fraction of time compared to the long term benefits of quitting.

    To anyone looking to quit, we got this! It might not be successful the first or even tenth time. Just remember, you've already admitted to yourself that you want to quit and you know that quitting will benefit your life greatly. We just need to stop listing to the green voice pulling us back to old habbits. I don't know if that voice will ever go away, pulling me towards smoking. I just know i need to lower it's volume or not pay attention to the cravings. It's easier said then done but it is possible! Trust in yourself and what you're capable of doing!

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