Cannabidiol and covid

Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response (Preprint) …


  1. I think the word you are looking for is endocannaninoids. Not just cannabidiol 🤦 this is the mistake the government have made for many years. And why we took it to parliament. also the terpenes and flavnoids in the plant, such as alpha pinene, quercetin, limonene etc.try looking at alpha pinene for the covid aiding benefit along with other cannabinoids.

  2. CBD gets me hallucinations in the Charle Bonnet syndrome. I have glaucoma. My MD tells me that the voids in my sights are filled up by the brain. It starts when I use CBD oil.

  3. Hemp was grown in masses back in the day .. hemp fabric was far superior to cotton .. however .. the people at the top owned lots of slaves and cotton farms .. so the rich and powerful people pushed for hemp/cannabis to be made illegal to force the cotton to be mass used making the slave owners and politicians rich .. interesting fact is the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper and would not of survived it it was on regular paper !

  4. This is important stuff. I agree that there must be proper, rigorous, no-bullshit trials of CBD as either prophylactic or therapeutic agents in the COVID rigmarole. Hell, I will go buy some CBD this morning and start slugging it down,……

  5. I beg to differ John. My family all got covid, and everyone else in the house had it hit them in the lungs, like a chest infection, except me. It didn't effect my lungs at all. Only difference is I was smoking heavily at the time.

  6. there is CBD and many different cannabanoids are inside even the THC variants. each strain and methid of growth will determin the quantities of each.
    so for instance i grow a strain 1to1 ratio CBD to THC. this has been an amazing medicinal strain and would help a broad spectrum of ailments and possible drug production.

  7. Wonderfull explanation again! Without you i would not be able to read such a report. So RNA virusses can be prevented ánd treated with pure CBD.
    I had the shingles, herpes zoster, probably combined with other virusses like simplex etc. it was horror. 7 months later i still have lots of pain. Have been looking for a remedie a lot. Apart from vitamins and proper food to get in perfect shape, and excercise I cant find a treatment. Is there anything that can put these DNA viruses in remission?

  8. THC activates CBD. If im not mistaken, its the same receptors as nicotine.
    THC fades but CBD hangs around.
    Long term positive effects for many things including appetite, mood and overall wellbeing. Can even help with erectile disfunction.
    Nature's medicine.

  9. Very interesting data. I have noticed that since using CBD’s I have not been sick and if so it doesn’t last long.
    Is this data from a broad spectrum CBD or from a particular type (CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBN, CBC). I’m sure there are more but these are the most common besides the broad spectrum.
    Thanks for your work!!

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