How To & When To: THC Tinctures | Discover Marijuana

Cannabis medicine comes in a variety of forms, and the tincture is one of our favorites! Tinctures are liquids containing herbal …


  1. UK right now max available is 100mg/ml but it's £195 for 30ml. I need 4 bottles and month and can't afford one. I use street weed which is absolutely killing me outright. I am so sad. This oil is fucking unreal. 25 years of smoking use down to using 30ml of oil a week is INSANE. But it's still WEAK as fuck. I wanna just use 30ml a month and BAM. winning. Talking head change is game changing to me. I am in a dark place without this mother plant

  2. I take my terps, and ArkanRaw. Thick pure thc oil. 1/10th. Took 1/10th and almost got pain free. Got a full nights sleep almost pain free. Im on CBD since, we)..when legal and CBN helps for sleep. Love making strong edibles since id be in bed. Every BODY is different. I have a High tolerance.

  3. I have fibro myalga and have used cannabidoil for 2 years now. If I didn't use this I am up all night walking around the house to try and ease the pain. It has been a life saver. My supplier has stopped, I now have to learn how to make it myself otherwise I will be a delirious mess again. I'm 72 and was willing to try almost anything. Up until now I have never used any form of drug or alcohol in my life. As I said this has been a lifesaver and has also reduced the amount of chemical drugs supplied by doctors. A heads up for people who are fearful of trying this. Give it a go. Even though its illegal where I'm from I spoke to my dr who is very by the book and he said to try it, it couldn't hurt which I did and haven't looked back. Try it ppl.

  4. I heard tinctures/oil drops is more for sleeping and to put you to sleep rather then the Euphoric high of bongs and joints not sure if that's true but people with experience have told me that

  5. They are a joke.
    Ive eaten thousands of milligrams of edibles, tinctures or what ever.
    I tend to sleep better, that all.
    Ive drank whole bottles of tincture and gotten nothing.
    It's in people's heads

  6. All Cannabis is Medicinal.. People who sat there are two types. Medicinal and Recreational are all Agents paid to push agendas.
    They tend to be well promoted channels that get a lot of views. People Who speak the truth like me get heavily suppressed.

  7. You guys are dreaming if you think anyone is going to follow your 'lengthy procedure. I wouldn't do it any more than I would follow advice to fill a room with pot smoke, walk in, then breathe and wait a week. NOPE

  8. A warning to anyone using edibles or tinctures from a guy that's been around THC since the mid 70's – If you're new to THC and even if you're not, sip a glass of water or beverage ( not alcohol) for the first half hour after ingesting, it will make the delivery faster and more gradual. I hear of so many people getting completely inebriated from both because they don't understand that these are concentrated forms of THC. It's like taking shots of alcohol without a chaser or mixing a drink, you will get the effects twice as hard when they hit. I know people that ended up on the floor in a ball because they couldn't function! It's the same with smoking cannabis, you don't need a lot of it's good quality and the more time you take between hits the better you can gauge what is going on in your body. I see so many young people smoking hit after hit to the point where they are obliterated, that's not what pot is about. In the 70's someone would have 1 joint and pass it around to a circle of friends so you had time for it to kick in. You usually had about three hits but that's all you needed, it was that good. Sorry for the rant but there isn't enough good info for newbies with no tolerance to THC.

  9. i put 8 grams of distillate into an everclear tincture

    Thc Tinctures dont work sublingually in my opinion (maybe a little bit if anything), I did 8 droppers under the tongue held for 3 minutes each and spit out, hardly any effects

    I drank 1 dropper with some water on a separate day and got annihilated

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