Is marijuana bad for your brain? – Anees Bahji

Explore how marijuana’s two main active compounds, THC and CBD, affect your brain and body, and what risk factors to watch …


  1. İlk başta maddenin içeriğinden bahsedildi sonra içenler üzerindeki etkilerinden ama daha çok insanlar üzerindeki etkisinden bahsedildi. ( zaten hayvanlar veya başka canlılar içmez bro 😂). Son olarak esrarı dehşet bir şekilde kötülediler.

  2. It took some 5 centuries for scientists to realize smoking tobacco was hazardous to your health. Now, for how long has science been studying marijuana again?

  3. From my own experience of smoking for decades, I think so. When under a lot of stress, I get days confused, when events happened and stuff like that.

    I have awful insomnia and it is the only thing that can reliably hate. More than zolpiden by far.

  4. One time I ate too much hemp edibles and had severe paranoia with really bad nightmares, also with some convulsions . The next two sober weeks it left like my IQ has lowered down to 70% of what it was, I was thinking really slow, vocabulary has decreased, and overall critical thinking was not okay. Also slight depressive mood and laziness.
    One month later and I'm feeling better, although not exactly as it was before taking any, but I still suppose it's possible to fully recover. so for now, no more weed for me

  5. I was a good boy. I hadn’t used anything before joining the Army. I got assigned to a MP unit in the 1970s that used vast amounts of cannabis and I joined in. I have been enjoying cannabis daily ever since.

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