Learning The Truth About CBD

Anyone suffering from any number of ailments, from seizures to aches and pains , from anxiety or stress to insomnia, may have …


  1. You can only get deliverance from Jesus. CBD is the lie of the enemy to mask the symptoms. Ones u stop using it, anxiety and headaches will be back. You will end up with a lot more problems than when u started. Please ask God for discernment

  2. Yes but a lot of Democrat law makers are against cannabis shame on them but Democrat law maker are ok with regular Marijuana and Adults smoking Marijuana but there against cannabis and medical Marijuana to help treat Anxiety depression hart conditions high blood pressure and ADHD and ADD and you name it

  3. Hey, I’m doing some research on CBD THC , love to chat with you if possible? I also believe I have some valuable information able CBD THC from personal experience

  4. ADHD isn't a problem guys.
    The reality is that it's the hunters brain.
    In the old times ADHD people went to hunt and protect the tribes from dangers cuz their brains are ultra fast, that's why they get bored easily. Their brains are made for living within nature and survival.

  5. diagnosed ADHD Patient here. I was Diagnosed at 8 years old and our family doctor friend wanted to put me on meds[ ridolin amd other stumulents ]. my mom decided against it. as a kid, I loved running around until I got tired and word searches.after school once I struggled through my homework, my mom would take me to a local park with a word search in my hand. i would simoultaniously tire out myself mentally and physically running around the park while solving the word search. As I'm older and have smoked weed recreationally, I can definatelly say CBD works for THE ADHD Brain. From a personal perspective,; It allows your overactive brain to slow down JUST enough for your body and mentality to catch up where you can feel and act “normal' ' compared to the average human.[ This Is a personal opinion on the matter] Feel free to agree or nah. I'm just another random rambling on the matter.

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