Richardson father risks freedom to promote cannabis treatments for his daughter

Richardson father risks freedom to promote cannabis treatments for his daughter A few times a month, Mark Zartler of Richardson, …


  1. Parkinson Disease 🦠 🦠is a very terrible illness, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine from Dr Madida that truly works that helped treat, cure and reversed all his symptoms…My Dad is well again//

  2. stop promoting it just use it it is a plant goverments docters etc are evil all they want you on is expensive drug that dont work or make you extra ill in different areas dont ask just do

  3. Does anyone know what equipment the father was using? I know it is a nebulizer but it seems to be a pretty special one if it can be used for cannabis. I would very much appreciate any information as to the manufacturer, model and operating instructions. Thank you for taking the time to help me.

  4. I love it to see when people do the right thing even when its the wrong thing by law.. hope he and his daughter are living a good life over there right now..
    Greetings from Germany!

  5. It cured me it awoken me and now im smater then i was before where to Divine beings were not from a planes higher more energetic place god like me. God sent me here for a mission theres other here too tou can just look at all like in the physical aspect im not really the best at explaining thing but yeah

  6. the fact that there are still states in the US who call the use of cannabis a crime while there are many states who don't anymore shows how seperated the people are

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