Should I Use CBD Oil? What is it?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in the treatment of arthritic pain. The surgeons discuss the …


  1. I am considering this very issue. I have had a diagnosis for RA since l was 7 years which was 60 years ago. Texas is more strict than most states, but my RA is worse and l broke my hip a year ago.

  2. So how long does it take to get conclusive results for CBD ? It's been legal for years. Did it take years and years to get conclusive results from other drugs like say OxyContin ? Seriously wht is taking so long? Still waiting …………………..

  3. Does CBD mask “useful” pain? Pain can be a useful warning to avoid making an injury worse or to seek medical investigation. Should a medical specialist be consulted first?

  4. If it’s so good. Why don’t more doctors suggest we use it. I’m not going to use it just because people are suggesting that I use it. I had a stroke . Does it help stroke people

  5. The full entourage feels superior for the relief of my arthritic pain. (In other words, the full cannabis joint, not just hemp oil). I am nor ready to say this "full-out". There is no need to suffer the ferocious blow of Arthritis.

  6. What I would like to know is how it interacts with other drugs and supplements. Is it a CNS inhibitor or can it in crease drugs that are? I read up while taking budesonide that CBD oil can increase the amounts in the body. I was wondering if I can take CBD and ashwagandha as both can make you sleepy? Thanks you

  7. I had spinel cord compression surgery done and
    Now I'm getting ready for a tumor to be removed soon i.was thinking
    Would like to know if medical Marijuana help
    They got to go through the

  8. It's quite obvious that you are both drunk. Hey, it's five o'clock somewhere, right? Just kidding. I ordered cbd gummies from Pure Kanna. The ones that have THC. Took one for my knee pain and it was helping. Decided to have another and see what would happened. What happened was I got higher than a Georgia pine, and it lasted for hours. Good thing, bad thing, depends on your point of view.

  9. I have had chronic back pain for years due to of fairly screwed-up spine. Early on it was degenerative discs and now is spinal stenosis. Nerve pain to my low back and down my leg. Ibuprofen has helped quite a bit.
    Cortisone injections every 4 months was working but not so well lately. Pain doctor did radio frequency ablation on my low back about 5 months ago. and I was relatively pain-free up until the last couple of weeks. Started back on 800mg/day of ibuprofen. We'll see how it goes. RFA was amazing for my case and it seems it can be done as needed without without the problems associated with OTC and prescription drugs

  10. Ive been using CBD oil from MidnightCBD and it has helped me relax and has helped me to have better sleep. I used to have trouble getting myself to sleep but ever since I started using it, I find myself sleeping earlier and waking up feeling energized.

  11. I use the real stuff, medicinally, after my rheumatologist and neurologist suggested I do pain management or medical Marijuana. So, I chose Marijuana, after using cbd for several years with very little relief. Not sure that it helps my pain, but it helps me not care. And, the sweet sleep that comes of it!!😂 BTW…y'all are funny and informative!

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