Spot the Difference Between Male, Female and Hermaphrodite Cannabis Plants

Can you tell the difference between a male, female and hermaphroditic cannabis plant? Male cannabis plants are about as useful …


  1. This video is actually incorrect. Feminized seeds can be male and hermi. Don't listen to that part because it's actually pretty common. Just cuz you go buy feminized doesn't mean you're getting all females.

  2. i am a wild breeder , i get weird plants.. i grow them close together and fully surprised year after year that cannabis comes in such variaty.. in shape and habbits.. some get tons of seeds growing and one next to it , none.. its weird cause well the females are pollen receptors when flowering .. yet these plants have tactics you wont believe, they can get 10 cm in height and still produce lots of pollen, they can get 5 meters like tree and just refuse to flower.. its a long learning curve and the plants will scare the crap out of you year after year..

  3. You may want to take this down. A REAL grower can tell the difference in veg stage. Males grow directly up, thicker stalks, taller and have a straight stalk. Females however grow slower AND have curves regardless the direction of the light source. Next time you drop a pack of regular seeds, drop 4-5. Once they hit week 4-6, you will notice that some of the plants are completely straight, and some are curvy. Throw away the straight ones, flower the curvy ones.

  4. So last time I grew one, pretty sure it was male, no buds. But i did get actual flowers grow on it. Small whitish ones… hope it wasn't female, chucked it out!

  5. They can Herm because the seeds are inbred F1s. If you eventually kept breeding them out past F3 then all the Hermies would disappear. Those F4's will not produce as much yield as a F1 will though. That is why we use F1 seeds mainly. Also because having some Hermies can help save a Strain if the Male & Female Parent Plants no longer exist.
    I believe that's the case anyway. Someone correct me if I am wrong please, I am always willing to learn more.

  6. I was under the impression that an all female field will produce infertile seeds. If this is true, and the male plant is necessary to produce fertile seeds in the female buds then eliminating the males will produce a crop that can't be replanted. Seeds would need to be purchased yearly

  7. This is an interesting video. But just because you purchase feminized seeds does not guarantee a female every time. In fact feminizeds seeds are created by chemical that causes select branches to hermaphrodite and their pollen is used to pollenate other 100% females. This still provides the genetic opportunities to have a full hermaphrodite from sees

  8. To ensure all my seeds were female, I always shocked the flowering plants with a light change sometime around half way through the cycle. Worked every time without fail, and ensured only a few seeds rather than too many.

  9. The last point is not true. Feminized seeds, while seedlings or in the veg state, can be shocked into being herms. Temp, light, pests, transplanting…all can traumatize even a mature plant. And if you see signs of pollen or seeds, separate that plant from the others immediately.

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