The World’s Tallest Hemp Plant

See the story how Hemp Traders and the Riverdale Farm grew the world’s tallest hemp plant, and our experience submitting it to …


  1. That might near be bigger than largest I have seen. When I was younger I was fortunate enough to work for Bill Mollison for a while and he showed me some photos taken in the pre 1980s maybe as early as 1950 of hemp plants he helped improve with permacultre in Hawaii I think it was. They were falling them with a chainsaw into back of an 18 ft truck and looked like was 6-8ft hanging over the back, things looked like trees.

  2. There's still volunteer fields of hemp in rural communities across the Midwest. Ive personally dove off a porch into 13 foot tall plants to pad my landing 😂. NUBS would come in at night and steal it thinking it would get them high😅! The only thing those tresspassers are going to get is a severe headache 😂.

  3. In my mind, it's still a record, but it's not a Guinness record.
    However, it could be a record for our recorded history, but who's to know if one plants exceeded that height throughout the plants whole history.

  4. "We average 13,000 pounds of fiber PER ACRE…"
    I'm sorry, I have to answer the door. "Oh, hello Bathroom Fixture, please enter."
    "In 2023, the total cotton yield per harvested acre amounted to approximately 845 pounds. This constitutes a decrease of 108 pounds from 2022." – Statista.
    Oh, yeah, because it wears out faster, and Mister Strauss can sell more jeans.
    I have a 5 pound bag of seeds I do not dare try to plant. I live in a major American metropolitan district rife with Tweakers, and, even if they figure out today that stuff ain't pot, and will just cook their lungs (by cooking their lungs)…
    They'll forget by tomorrow.
    Oh, SIGNS? You think a Tweaker's gonna slow down enough to read a sign, if they think they can get free pot?

  5. Hemp contains up to 20% CBD, which is a cannabinoid.
    Some hemp has small amounts of thc.
    More than likely, there are hemp strains that have some of the lesser talked about cannabinoids.
    The main thing should be that strains people grow should be the ones with 0%THC.

  6. Don’t worry about Guinness they’re a joke nowadays. It all comes down to how much money you have to give them if you get a record or not. So many of their records have been beat on record and they come up with some way to not change it because the people that hold the records probably “donated” to them… y’all are doing great work and should be proud! You don’t have to prove anything to anyone because your work shows for itself! I think it’s wrong that farmers have to get permits to grow hemp when it’s a product that can change the world! I know so many farmers in SC where I live that have applied for it but get denied because they won’t put up a 10’ fence around the whole crop which would cost crazy money and there’s no need for it! They’re just stuck on the idea that it’s weed and people will smoke it when we all know that’s not the case.. I’m a logger and I know how hemp could honestly transform the world we live in if they would just let people grow it…

  7. As a cannabis consumer, I wouldn't touch your hemp with a ten foot pole. The Guinness World Book of Records is a beer company. Alcohol is an intoxicant, and your product is not.
    It's very strange and hypocritical

  8. guinness world records is more of an ad agency than a record keeping company unfortunately, its a shame their false advertising has caused people to think its a good idea to get certified by guinness in the first place and guinness should probably eventually rebrand as their records are not even remotely accurate

  9. This is absolutely ridiculous that Guinness world records did that to you folks.
    They need to stop demonizing the plant.
    Well I accept your hemp plant into the world's tallest even if Guinness world records doesn't.

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