1. I’m 18 and I’m pretty sure I’m developing it have not gone psyco yet but after work I go hit the sauna and almost every time I walk into the house to change my brain goes blank and I can’t think straight. I have been hearing voices in my head my whole life though. I have a productive voice and a procrastination voice. Can someone tell me if I’m going psyco. Also out of no where I will get this insane adrenaline dopamine hit and it feels so amazing I don’t know how to explain it, I feel like I’m ruling the world

  2. This is an atmospheric thing. I noticed it living with my ex friend/ roommate. Very negative energy and atmosphere can draw bad energy to you and you just go down a bad spiral. I live alone now and smoke way less and am perfectly fine. Also had anxiety when I smoked living with my parents at the time. You think people are out to get you. But that’s all personal experience. You go out to a restaurant and no body is looking at you or talking about you. It’s all created in your head. Weak minds can’t handle it. Sorry to say but it’s the truth. Try taking some magic mushrooms or lcd in a bad atmosphere, it’s the same thing

  3. If you get weed psychosis it’s because all the caffeine alcohol and nicotine you’ve been consuming with thc… regular weed only does this on its own with high dose edibles

  4. Lmao😂 this has nothing to do with weed and everything to do with people who cannot control their own mind. Your correct weak minded person should stray away from cannabis.

  5. Happened to a kid I grew up with. In high school stabbed his mom like 50 times(she survived) while she was laying in bed and he got put in a mental hospital. He spent more time in there then if he would of gone to prison for attempted murder(lenient sentences in Canada) that the mom was advocating to be released and I just seen him working at a store in town a couple weeks ago and that happened like 12 or so years ago. Crazy shit. I smoked from the age of 12 to 29 and never had anything like that

  6. I was sober from weed for 10+ years, decided to go all in on weed – smoked over $1000 worth of weed in 1 month (only flower – no vapes/dabs). QUIT. Was waking un in sweat daily, thought it was kind of weird. No appetite – lost 30lb. 2 weeks later – BAM – complete mental breakdown/psychosis that lasted 2 months. I am now fully recovered., I'm one zero meds. The antipsychotic meds they did give me ended up causing more schizo side effects than they were solving. I was worried i was fucked for life. Got off all the meds – and I'm completely fine. Stay safe and dont do drugs.

    Zero mental health issues before this – and I was mid 30s when I went into psychosis from weed.

  7. I got 6 years no weed, I used to smoke everyday all day. Then I became an alcoholic I learned, there’s such things called alcoholic schizophrenia, when I got sober , I had psychosis for weeks.but it eventually went away, no medications no doctor no counseling just having faith it would cure, and exercise! Staying fit, life is way better no weed no drugs no alcohol, all you need is eat healthy, exercise, sleep enough, and be a good neighbor to everyone

  8. Happened to my friend, except he isolated himself for months before-hand so its hard to determine what truly was the cause of his psychosis, i believe it was a combination of isolation, depression and constant substance use.

  9. Do not accept an edible off anybody in any circumstances! You dont know how much is in it the potency or even what is in it! I learned the hard way once ingested its too late

  10. im 34 since the age of 5 i have been suffering from “stomach migraines”. at the age of 25/26 i started getting bad anxiety/panic attacks. now the doctors saying there not stomach migraines its weed psychosis. even though my symptoms have all been exactly the same.

    since i was 5 i get these stomach migraines every 3-5 months. up until i was 25/26. since i started with marijuana. its still the same 3-5 months

  11. Its crazy i used to thought weed was a holy plant from actually the holy god i used to speak to god on it but once i gave it up it did something to my brain a world inside my brain it opened some sort of issues in a way that words cannot describe it in how it messed my brain, it was like a smoked a demon spirit in my mind and it has hijacked my mind till the day when christ returns. I have to take pharmaceutical drugs to drug it up so it dosnt go crazy inside and yes u tryed everything in name of jesus nothing happened

  12. If you keep smoking that dealer crap, I smoked dealer crap all college and I experienced this, but when I moved to a legal state and was smoking real clean bud I never experienced this and I was smoking 7-8 times a day, young folks if you’re going to smoke, stay away from dealers all of their product is laced with synthetic chemicals!!!

  13. There are terrible products in the cannabis market that can barely be called marijuana anymore. Pure wax or sun and soil flower used in moderation and you’re fine. Anybody surprised that smoking bath salts will make you crazy? That’s what these new “weed” products are. Anybody surprised if you drink too much liquor and get all crazy for an evening? Nope and alcohol is still way way more dangerous.

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