1. its interesting to see people here who have healed from psychedelics. I too was diagnosed with bpd and I took shrooms and I learned what love and home mean again

  2. I ate 6 edibles and i end up falling asleep and i couldnt even move my body and open my eyes and my whole body was shaking very intensesly like you just died and come back alive again

  3. You underrate the value of your brain and thinking until you take edibles. My first time didn't feel it, till after 2 hours. I was in 2 realms at the same time. Asking God for mercy in one and pretending im ok in another. It was such a funny and weird experience.😂😂
    Thought everyone around me wanted to harm me. Lol.

  4. LSD, DMT and psilocybin containing mushrooms are just amazing. I could remember several years ago, I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Was actually diagnosed with BPD. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. This is something that really need to be broadly used for cure of related health challenges.

  5. first time i ate edibles gummies me and my friends and her sisters went to the movies to see the iron claw i was munching on the nachos then 20 mins later it hits i go numb all around my body i felt a bit nauseas i coulldnt get up my heart was racing then i struggled my way back to the car didnt even finish the movie and i was just cotton mouhted but chilled out the rest of the way back home as im typing this i had one lastnight and its still hitting rn i had to skip school

  6. So Edibles is healthier than vaping or smoking marijuana, and there are no long term health effects unless you overdose? is that what you are saying? I like being high, but I also want to be healthy about it. It be great if you can answer this question!
    Also it usually take me 4 hours to even start to feel the high from edibles

  7. not a fan of the edibles 1st they last to long 2nd hard to get the dose right 3rd i do not like the high i get from them i will stick to smoking the flower or vaping the distillate

  8. Im not sure if anybody experiences this while taking edibles but a lot of the times I will feel like im burning up. Like I swear I got a 107 fever or something and my whole body is melting

  9. Ok so wen I ate one I couldn’t control my body I was sleep next yu know y body throwing shit running around min and I was seeing a lot of stuff

  10. First time I tried weed was an edible was at homecoming as a freshman. I took a regular dose and it wasn’t that strong and my friend that smoked weed on a daily took like wayyy more than he should’ve literally fell asleep on the floor but I got picked up after homecoming high as balls and my brain felt like I was in four different dimensions. I managed to get away with it but I took a shower for like 30 minute and just stared at the ground drool coming out of my mouth 😂 then I went to bed with soaking wet hair because I didn’t want my dad to come into my room with me higher than the clouds so I just decided to sleep it off and I woke up and the effects were still lingering. 10/10 would do it again

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