Benefits of CBD & THC

CBD is an anti-inflammatory, which deals with any type of inflammation. CBD can be used instead of ibuprofen or meloxicam and …


  1. I am an advocate for use of Marijuana but I have to say it is not actually a sleep aid like you have said in this diagram. Yes it will put you to sleep quicker but infact it has now been proven that it actually blocks your brain from reaching a critical stage of sleep known as REM sleep. Matthew Walker who is an actual sleep expert and scientist unlike my dumb ass explains the studies carried out on this in great detail.

  2. I need both. I have been on so many drugs for my chronic migraines and nausea. One hit from my vape pen and my whole demeanour changes because it makes me 99.9% pain free. It’s unbearable at times and without this miracle in my life I wouldn’t be here now. 20 years of this hell. I have been to so many doctors, taken too many drugs that screwed me up both physically and mentally. I can’t believe what a huge difference this plant makes in my quality of life. Amazing!

  3. I am 65, and I suffer from the Late Effects of Polio. My nights are the worst. THC seem to work best for my muscular spasticity and I sleep like a human should. My dosage is 2 cap-fulls once a week.

  4. All thanks to Dr. Ikharehon Herb who helped me with his medication based on hierbas. VPH suffers for much time. I went to the hospital without a question and on a fateful day I saw a testimony about a woman who was cured of herpes virus, so I decided to do it. Entrance tray on WhatsApp …. to cut the whole story is now now Negative hpv is cured if you ask questions too Entrance tray on WhatsApp +2348167630431 also heals all kinds of illnesses and viruses and diseases gracefully by you. ……

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