CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)- How It’s Different from THC & Benefits

There has recently been a huge interest in CBD oil for its many therapeutic benefits. In this video, we will go through how CBD oil …


  1. The brain is part of the body. People need to stop separating the two. Ghrelin is the hormone responsible for increasing hunger, and it is secreted in the stomach. Just one example. Most of your serotonin is also in your stomach. Zofran, a useful anti-nausea medication works by blocking serotonin receptors in the stomach. This is also why many SSRIs cause nausea. Hormones definitely affect your mood, some also act as neurotransmitters. I also recommend reading about the correlation between high inflammation and depression. Many people with clinical depression will have elevated inflammatory markers on bloodwork.

  2. I recently just started using CBD oil. Because i have been depressed in 7 years + anxiety. I've been taking anti depressants for 4 years. And I taken CBD 1 month. Already seems great. For the first time in years i can now wake up early and actually get up. Instead of staying in bed the half day.
    I feel more happy and less anxiety

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