Does a Medical Marijuana Card Affect Your Gun Rights?

Ready to take the next step in your self-defense journey? Check out how the nation’s best Legal Defense for Self Defense® …


  1. I had a medical marijuana card, and my local gun store told me I was no longer allowed to own a gun and they would not even sell me ammo. I never renewed my medical card and I never stepped into that gun store again. Shall not be infringed upon, especially not by a store that sells guns and ammo.

  2. When they took an oath they got sworn in and it was clearly stated that everyone coming into office defend and uphold the united states constitution hmmmmm sworn in smells like purgery.

  3. What you haven't made clear in this video is, does a marijuana card cause issues to purchase a gun (for home protection) or for only CCW license. Can one get ins. coverage for a non-CCW when shooting occurs at home. Any chance I can get a response on these questions?

  4. Gun laws don’t apply to criminals so I’m gonna protect myself and my family no matter what….. I have a right, nobody can tell me otherwise

  5. Libertarianism in me says "if it dont harm me or other people, i dont care."

    Ive never met someone with a gun who smokes that has ever given me problematic vibes.

  6. The gov driving me crazy cause I wouldn’t give my guns up to get a medical card am I’m not gonna quit smoking especially when it legalized In my state bill of right was the first 10 amendments made by our founding father cause the realized that without these right we would only fall under another tyrannical government like the one our founding fathers just fought to get us out from underneath I will not surrender my freedoms that were won over 247 years ago

  7. It’s not complicated just say “the reason why you can’t own a firearm license with a medical marijuana license is because you will constantly be under the influence and you are carrying a gun at the same time and the law requires you to not be under the influence plus you have a condition that could be psychological and is named under medical conditions that you cannot carry no matter what”

  8. It infringes upon our rights as citizens of the U.S.. Just cause you use Marijuana shouldn't mean you loose rights to carry a gun. As long as youve passed the backround check it shouldnt B an issue. It's a political trade off between bipartisan parties that don't want 2 give in so they make a $!tty deal that makes it difficult for the regular working citizen to enjoy there own free will. Trying to get bills passed is sometimes like making deals with a used car salesmen. Always rear-ended in the end.

  9. The HIPPA law prevents anyone from finding out your medical status during any form of back round checks so therefore when purchasing a fire arm they will not know if u have a medical card unless you indicate it on the application form! So take that information however you want to.

  10. Now thats to CARRY a weapon. You have to have a carrying concealed weapon for that (for hand guns) BUT What about your second amendment to bare arms? Like keeping your firearms on your property?

  11. As a disabled veteran, why can't marijuana just be legalized. I've been told I'll lose my benefits. Along with my other damage, I now have chrones. Edibles are supposed to help , but my benefits and Along with 2nd amendment rights. I just don't want to go there. Help in this matter not sure what to do. The va just wants to pass out pills.

  12. Imagine having the 13th amendment and then saying people can still have slaves. It doesn't work that way because the Bill of Rights and the Constitution supersedes all documents that are made after the signing of these documents. The 2A supersedes any document imposed by the government thereafter. By definition of the 2nd Amendment, the ATF form 4473 is nullified and illegal to impose. Any act against the 2nd Amendment is therefore unconstitutional. You guys are lawyers, you should know the NFA was enacted unconstitutionally and has been operating as such since almost a century ago.

  13. In Pennsylvania you instantly give up your right to possess a firearm if you get a medical marijuana card. In the beginning they were going around confiscating everybody’s weapons now they don’t do that they just don’t allow you to renew your concealed carry permit and they put you on the Nix system so you cannot purchase or possess a firearm anymore.

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