M3 Medical Marijuana Movement.. Harvesting cannabis tips.. Pistols

There are different ways to determine whether your marijuana is ready to be harvested…We discuss …


  1. You all should b harvesting when the WHOLE PLANT is ready. Quit looking at trichomes/hairs and just LOOK AT THE PLANT.

    It takes on a whole different look when it's ready. Learn to spot it.

  2. Harvest when 90to100 % amber pistols and leaves yellow unless you're on some purple stuff simple as that really you cant really harvest too late nobody ever harvest too late let's be honest if you harvest late your bud will be even better that's the whole point in the ripen the more ripe the more smell flavour and taste

  3. To any beginner reading this, the 4 pics showing different trichromes stage are showing buds not fully ripened… Have you ever wonder how to get the beautiful and well formed bud you see on some pictures? Like you when I started I couldn't understand why mine wasn't exactly as well formed and packed as showed on some pics… Then I realized it s cause most growers (even so called advanced) harvest wayyyy too earlier! Judging by trichromes can be very misleading… Lots of people criticize judging by pistils as well… At the end of the day the best way to have a wonderful bud with well formed flowers and dense like rock, you often need to wait till you don't see any white hair anymore… Also taste and appearance will be on another level…. Most people harvest too quickly… I see weed as fruits now! You need to give an orange time to ripen before it tastes perfect! ❤️

  4. This is not the best technique. harveset off of the Trichomes. That is the professional way to harvest. Pistols are for beginners . if you go off trichomes you get more weight. harvest when trichomes are 60% Amber and 40% milky white. Put it this way, if you arent sure then you're not ready to harvest. Wait another 2-3 days at least.

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