Unveiling the Healing Power: Cannabis in Cancer Treatment | Absolute Documentaries

Embark on an inspiring documentary as we introduce you to a diverse group of individuals and a dedicated medical doctor who …


  1. People are so quick to do DRUGS from a doctor sending you to your death. But you pull out urbs naturally grown is an issue. The system will demolish anything that’s good for you regardless of the evidence they can prove. Metabolic therapy is the way. Because it’s a metabolic disease hands down. God bless for these people who really
    really care generally🙏

  2. So if I'm correct what your saying it's a pain relief!!!!!! Not a cure …help me out coz I need a cure ASAP cheers Uk I've got all the stuff ready to make this stuff with the only plant I know is a cure is INDICA if there's something I'm missing can you help me out please

  3. There is no such thing as a 'real' physician anymore. They don't even lay a hand on you unless absolutely necessary. If all their diagnostic equipment failed and you couldn't have the repetitive blood tests they prescribe or the Labs to work it out for all of them, they'd be lost!
    In my country, Australia, cannabis is illegal, except in ONE state and that state, (surprise! surprise!) is the state in which all the Politicians work and live and run our country (and waste our money).
    Thank you to all the people who were responsible for making and contributing to this video and giving others hope. Denying people cannabis or other plant medicines is saying that God made a mistake and I don't believe that for a split second.

  4. It saved my life through 2 types of rare BC and all the chemotherapy, radiation etc , with cannabis everyday and I’m living well pass my time for survivor and being a hippie we were friends anyway

  5. I found a seed and grew it. Since my harvest I have been smoking it. I believe it’s a medicated plant I grew. It gives me an appetite. It allows me to sleep. But I also noticed when I smoked it in the day time I started to clean up and although I didn’t get sleepy I was sweating like crazy. It is not like the average bud. It’s more leafy I guess I can put it. It’s relaxing for sure! I wants to get it tested. I suppose I will google it and see if there is any places like that in nyc. I am curious to know what I grew if that’s possible!

  6. If we could send All political “leaders” of the world and put them in orbit on a comfortable space shuttle with a pound of some really good cannabis, and plenty of munchies, I guarantee that there would never ever be any more wars or need of military might!! And we could begin to advance and prosper as a peaceful LOVING planet!!

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