Xanax withdrawals ‘like being tortured alive’

A Dearborn Heights woman who was on Xanax and an opioid suffered painful withdrawals. (May 30, 2019)


  1. I got hooked to both these drugs when I was in my twenties I had no idea how I was living I was totally on autopilot for about two years when I woke up finally all I could do was move and start over I had no idea why life was so hard afterwards

  2. I take benzos as needed. I have done so for many years on and off, but have never had anything worse than a mild case of “the jitters” when stopping. If that happens, then I find moderate exercise, or getting involved in a routine task to be helpful. Also, I’ve never combined them with anything dangerous like opioids or alcohol. I have never been prescribed anything other than the minimum dose. If they seem to not work as well, it’s a sure sign to taper back. My cousin got hooked on Valium years ago and actually resorted to obtaining it illegally. She had to go to residential rehab for three months to get her life back on track. I have absolutely no interest in becoming addicted to the stuff, or anything else, for that matter. As for my cousin, she has made a 180 in her life. She owns three hair and beauty salons, has two beautiful adult daughters, is happily married to a great man, and they are eagerly awaiting their first grandchild.

  3. The Dr should have been able to help taper her down. That is not right. Seizures are also a very dangerous withdrawal symptom of stopping Xanax cold turkey. Just like with alcohol, you can die from doing that ! Shame on her Dr & whomever made such irresponsible policies !

  4. Currently going through it. Even tho im not stupid it never came across to me that the withdrawal is actually as dangerous as alcohol withdrawal and I halucinate for weeks now

  5. I am having serious seizures from withdrawal of 10mg oxicodone and 5mg methadone. Your entire body feels like being crushed, can't inhale even if you want to,have to hold on until it passes after 60 to 120 seconds, see white visions, you feel being pulled out of your body down a long tunnel…then it's like you are dropped on the floor like a hard pow!
    Nobody tapers anymore because of the fear of the DEA!
    I have cancer! Brain cancer! Malignant! My drs kept saying: we only give pain meds for cancer…
    Well I have it and snomads! meds! So gonna have to sink into the fentenal epidemic because of the DEA!

  6. This is what an addict looks and sounds like. I have traumatic neck and lower back injuries from falling 400 ft. And I take n.o.t.h.i.n.g. no pain medication. Alpha lipoic acid and b12 . I have no sympathy.
    She needs detox and rehab

  7. I can attest to Xanax addiction.. It took over my life for 2yrs. Thank Jesus Christ as it waa only through his grace i beat a benzodiazepine addiction.

  8. It's worse than opioid withdrawal, but you get over it, unlike opioid withdrawal. Within a month or so, you're okay. A month cold turkey on opioids? You're craving worse on day 30 than on day 3.

  9. Alprazolam…gave me tics not unlike Tourettes. I found the drug awful. I had psychotic symptoms, that required treatment…used alprazolam for four days and was more scared of the drug.

  10. Doctors have had me on clonazepam daily for 12.5 years to control nerve damage in my jaw and tongue (from dental work.) In all this time they've never even determimed that its definitely nerve damage but they've admitted it probably is. I didn't know how dangerous the drug was until I was on it for a year, and I had to keep taking it to work and function in society. Now when doctors hear how long I've been on it I can see the concern in their faces but they know there's no real help for me at this point because they've never addressed the issue that landed me on it. If youre wondering how much I take my prescription is 1 milligram twice daily. When I started over 12 years ago it was 0.5 milligrams twice daily.

  11. I took xanax for 18 years , and I just stopped , and honestly, I got some lucky.I had no problem, and I also took Percocet for 3 years And my Doctor threw a fit when I said I'm done taking them.He said I had to be weaned off and I said no I don't and I just stopped taking that also and again.I guess I'm just a lucky person.I had no side effects whatsoever 😊 I was one hundred percent fine 🤷‍♀️

  12. Yep. I've been on lyrica for years. I get god awful withdrawl if I stop taking it. Doctors have no idea about it either. They claim there is no withdraw whatsoever buy a simple Google search shows otherwise. I hate our health care system

  13. I was addicted to Xanax for a couple years and I went to rehab to get off of them but I had to go to jail first for a month and they gave me no medicine to help with any of the side effects of the withdrawals so I had multiple seizures and I fell off the top bunk that I was sleeping on and broke most of my teeth and I kept having seizures in rehab it was the most horrendous detox I've ever had and I even detoxed off fentanyl so that's saying something

  14. this is bullshit, have many frends who is highly adiccted to xanax, and heroin, when they dont have it, they just need a glass of ethanol, and theyr fine. for weeks. if there was a hidden recorder in your house, im shure most is sold, and most like u need cash, and tell DR: anything to get more pills.

  15. This is another example of the implications of the war on drugs and the lack of care for both addicts taken advantage of by a completely broken system and the people legitimately prescribed these drugs. I hate it here

  16. Something has to change and fast. Jails need to recognize the danger of no tolerance. I don’t care what he did to end up in prison, one should die like that…..and it is torture! He was literally tortured to death by withholding medication. Shame on that prison the prison doctor and the staff that watched this man die

  17. I was 27 in Olympic competition and was stopped by my doc and seizured over and over and probably would have died if it wasn’t for being so physically fit.

  18. What doesn't add up is the lady that was saying she was suffering from withdrawals 10 days and then months after she was off the medication. Xanax and opioids are out of your system within a few days max. Even heroin, your physical withdrawal is only a few days.

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