Can You Take CBD Oil With SSRI Antidepressants? | Ep.06 – Hemp Nerd Podcast 🌿 🍀

SSRI antidepressants are prescribed to patients suffering from depression and/or anxiety? SSRI antidepressants come with a host …


  1. I have Metazapine on my med list along with 15 others.. I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety..I also have stage 5 Renal disease and am on dialysis 3 times a week..Im on clonopin 2mg 3x daily. I went for a long while without many panic attacks..Here lately my panic and anxiety has increased.. I talked to my Psych doc and asked her if I could do CBD..She said yes.. But after watching this video Im a little scared to try CBD…What do you think?

  2. I'm on antidepressants for last 05 years. Taking sert 150 mg, busron 5mg and risperidone 3 mg. But when I take even a small micro drop of CBD oil my head starts aching and heart beat gets fast and starts shivering. Please reply and give me the solution.

  3. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it. Destroys the whole point of Prozac while using any type of substance. Personally have extremely bad side effects and only gets better if I’m not smoking anything. Your brain is more important than feeling good all the time. Take it from my personal account

  4. ive been a year on paxil little bit more than a year my local organic store had run out change i stopped to buy my monthly dose of mushroom no not the psychedelic kind ima talking some pochinki , oysters shrooms etc etc gourmet type shit i digress yes no change so they offered me a joint no thc only homegrown legal pure cbd bud so i took it , on the way home i lighted the mf up WHOLY FUCK it gave me the WORST feeling ever highly irritate feeling of beinf unsettle an disatisfied at neurochemical level awful stuff im telling you same shit happen with the 1000mg cbd oil mind you everybody im on 20mg of paxil and rivitril i dont what it was but im a heavy weed smoker and i dont those feeling when im high on weed.

  5. Amazing video!! I’m not sure if you still check messages on this video, but I’m giving this a shot. I am taking 25mg sertraline, (the smallest dosage) and have recently purchased but haven’t tried yet, 15mg broad spectrum cbd droplet from the Vitamin Shoppe (1 drop is 15mg). I was curious if I take my Zoloft every morning, if I took a drop of the cbd oil every evening, do you believe it would be too much cbd? I am 5’11 and weigh 168lb and was a marijuana smoker daily until about a few months ago. Thank you for making this informational video, it was incredible!

  6. SSRI'S are not taken prn, or "pro nata". They are taken every day. Several of the medications you mentioned are SNRI'S. Would like to know what the research says about these. Also, many have jobs that test for THC so I would like to know how the "broad spectrum" CBD works with SNRI'S.

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