Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR GETTING THIS TO 2 MILLION VIEWS! This documentary explores the longstanding relationship of …


  1. The cansbus plant has 7 leaves, The God's made 🌎 Earth in 7 days. Then rested. Mother and Father God's favorite number with good cause and it means spiritual/, religious growth in skills and understanding. Don't u think it makes sense that organizations would ban canibus. So to help slow us down in our ascension's. My own thoughts. How can a plant Mother and Father God's put on this planet to help us in so many ways. Little to no side effects. But crap pills r legally distributed and encouraged. Because weed grows free. And pills the dark make money. And let's not forget the laundry list of effects from these pills. That can cause other sever health issues. They are lieing to us again. Wake up!!!!! Just sayin Dena Gayle Atkinson Quinn 🙏🙏🙏✌️🌎💜💜💜 High level High Priestess Hyrophant medium 🔉😊 Perfectly Imperfect ✝️✝️✝️♾️💯🙌🙌🙌🤗

  2. We made history this week with the government considering to release restrictions on cannabis, but this will only play into the corrupt pharma industry who previously were responsible for completely banning it decades ago and will gain control of its distribution again if we don't demand complete de-scheduling altogether. Cannabis is safe, even safer than alcohol @1:04:00 so it must be de-scheduled completely and allow state control instead of letting Federal laws dictate the freedoms of the plant. But this is a step in the right direction, and we all should continue to advocate for complete de-scheduling

  3. Safer than Tylenol, ya,but the only thing is it’s really not good for your memory if you started young (13-14)& smoke daily for 10 years or more. But at the same time everyone reacts a little bit differently.but still…

  4. good information / video my new favorite for history on cannabis and hope 2024 is the year for the U.S. to decriminalize cannabis. so bon can start being used like back then. i'm using cannabis as a pre-workout and have been advocate for 25 years but was smoking and using differently not vaporizing and ingesting now want to help others. learn more and lose weight ive lost 120lbs now since 2020 and quit tobacco and other bad habits. plant therapy is what everyone needs!

  5. The silk has always been there im convinced, since it grew 50mya, apes have moved accross it, back and forth, homonids, on and on, mating, mingling, that route is how we continously evolved by mating, doesn't matter what time you pick!! maybe not the exact path, but from coast to coast, africa to japan.

  6. I come back and watch this when I need relax. The background music and pace hit just right. Cheers everyone I hope you are able to enjoy this sacred herb wherever you are

  7. This is my ( babies first attempt at talking about CANNABIS and what SHE DOES oh beautiful Jahovahjesuschrist and living the spirit within is us HIS The holy testament witness is a gift ❤

  8. The verse of Jeremiah 6:20 is saying got doesn’t want offerings of “cannibasam”(as you incorrectly pronounce it, so you’re being pretty misleading with the way you frame and depict it.its actually keenmam Bihsehm, meaning fragrant cane (which may very well be cannabis but it’s definitely not the cannabis u keep repeating and anyone claiming it is either is misled and naive or misleading others intentionally

  9. the milk of the sacred cow to the moon and fell asleep and decide to take its leaves and bring its art of consuming bong taking place with mango dango my name is bojangle get that dangle ill brake yo ankels that serves with the hindo zerastrian faith is believed to be the first to make the sacrament of the list of 10000 medicinal plant who would consume bong.

  10. You're not kidding Lost "history", I can't find my "history" anywhere… I've looked everywhere and oh…oh wait what's THisss ? Oh thank god Found MY "HISTORY" !
    Far out man !

  11. sometimes I forget that people STILL think humans used to be monkeys of some sort, even as a kid this was one of the most disgusting and disturbing concepts school tried to shove down our throats, though it's more apparent to me now that it's just an attempt at disproving a god, however it also works to wipe away the idea of godliness within humans, seeing as it boils us down to pure chance, and insists our roots are within animals, which quite literally makes no sense.

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