Cannabis Cultivation and Biochar

Casey Connell of Contender Gardens talks to Clayton Neidigh of Third Eye Organix about cannabis, cultivation, soil, microbes …


  1. Fire pit to a 55 gallon drum full of compost tea. Let it soak for a week or so then toss it in your compost pile, chicken litter and old cow patties,for a month or two. Been growing this way outdoors for past 6yrs. I have my own worm farm on the side of the house for castings. Seabird guano fish bone meal gypsum and molasses from the store.

  2. wait…. because honey is sticky adding it to cannabis is what helps the stickiness aka trichome production (11:44)? that could not be more incorrect…. thats like those kids who add fruit punch to their cannabis to bring out fruity flavors… maybe honey works for this desired effect but its not due to some transitive property of stickiness

  3. I've got a question for the guy from Third Eye Organics. You talked about adding honey during the flowering stage for stickier buds. Since honey has anti-bacterial properties, wouldn't it mess with your micro herd in your garden? Molasses encourages bacterial growth.

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