Cannabis: Dank, In Demand, And FINALLY Legal? | Dr Chris Raynor Explains

In this explainer video, orthopedic surgeon Dr Chris Raynor looks at the recreational drug, cannabis, and discusses its effects, the …


  1. What are your thoughts on on the Federal governments move to decision to move cannabis to a Schedule 3 drug and to legalize cannabis legalization in many states?

  2. I just went my first month without consuming cannabis. Day 1-3 I got diarrhea. For the last 30 days I sweat buckets at night. I am just starting to wake up not feeling flu like symptoms. Should weed be illegal? No. Just realize it is addictive. Its long over due for the federal government to change the law. Just people need to realize its addictive. Also, daily and still happening, I get a false high mid day. My eyes bulge an get heavy an looks like I had just consumed. Yes, I am just sitting there an get blasted for no apparent reason. It gets to the point where I struggle to even open my eyes. Again, I have gone 30 days without it. People who are toking daily. I challenge you to quit for a month. Sativa an indica is the biggest load of misinformation out there going, scrub it from future coverage. I can assure you companies are just using it to justify selling stuff that does not work. There is zero to differentiating types of cannabis. Cannabis companies sell used duff. That has no thc left in it. When a customer complains, they get gaslit with "its a sativa you get a head high, not a body high". In the 90s, when all I could get was seedy stemmy bud, called bricked weed, it worked. There is no such thing as cannabis that gives you a head high, an not a body high. Complete misinformation. If you consume an don't feel it, you are consuming something that has no thc. Period end of discussion. I am sorry to take a dump on cbd, thc, sativa, indica. You sound like a weed channel now. Pot from commercial settings don't even smell like it did in the 90s. Why, whats sold has been "processed" or stripped of any potency an oder. CO2 extracted duff, ethanol extracted duff, it all gets ground up an sold as a pre roll. And ya, its a sativa man, thats a head high. Rolls eyes. Back to quitting. I see posters below saying they have this or that and thats why they wake up an smoke all day. Quit smoking it an watch your mind start to wake up. After a 30 days without consuming, an continuing, after 30 years of use my mind is not going back to normal. So if your in your 20s, or 30s, you still have a chance. My brains effectively damaged from consuming daily for about 30 years. Its expensive too. Watch your wallet fill up when your not visiting the stupid pot store. Good luck. You should pin this. I know you don't smoke weed an have been fed the litany of industry lies.

  3. This is an excellent video as is everyone of his I've watched. Notwithstanding, I can't figure out the herb question. Seems to be a lot of contradictory information out there. All the same, many of the effects he describes fit me to a tee. Since using it after a 45-year hiatus I've been wondering why I get so amped up when I use it. Almost like what I imagine hypomania to be. Seems others have it too. Back in the day, I used to get the munchies but now I have a
    ""paradoxical" loss of appetite. Not to mention the conflict, despite the above, of still liking it. Addict! 12 steps, must I climb you again? Possibly the right course for this boy? I couldn't see it to the end. Does the Dr. recommend abstinence?

  4. Indica is my favorite..i started at 13 n I'm 47 . Its good for my arthritis n brain injuries. Helps as i try to get off pain meds as well

  5. Funny that everyone thinks alcohol should stay legal even though it's scientifically classified as poison has caused more violence than weed could ever dream of Oh wait we'd never causes violence when you're on it 🤔…

  6. Refreshing to see a well balanced video on this. Cannabis doesn't cause laziness. It's the other way round, lazy people just like weed because it's easy entertainment. Tons of people are either unaffected or even made better by regular usage, you just don't hear about them.

  7. In 1971 Nixon made sure Marijuana was listed as a Schedule I drug (same as Heroin!) because he didn't like blacks and he didn't like hippies (Me😊). He knew both groups were smoking and he wanted a reason to arrest them on federal charges! Nixon's own staff confirmed this. Then in 1972 the Shafer Commission finished a two year study that determined marijuana should never have been deemed illegal. The scheduling problem should have been corrected DECADES ago.

  8. I support legalization but I don’t think dispensaries should be able to sell certain products. I find people at dispensaries are not very knowledgeable and will just sell you whatever, even if it’s to strong for the individual

  9. The issue is that there's a true correlation between the loss of short-term memory including the long-term affects on the receptors in your brain, pretending that cannabis has no effects at all on the brain overtime is hilariously foolish.

  10. I've been using cannabis for years to deal with my health issues. I would love to see research into the differences between someone with ADHD and someone without. I've seen friends and family function so much better on cannabis rather than taking a stimulant. Where it might make someone else more lethargic I've seen my friends become more focused and motivated if they struggle with ADHD symptoms.

  11. There's conflicting evidence for marijuana usage. Marijuana at lower doses is therapeutic while higher doses can lead to psychosis and not to mention the withdrawal. Higher doses referring to edibles, concentrates, etc. Lower dosage referring to flower itself.

  12. If alcohol, one of the most deadly and toxic drugs is, why not weed?

    The worse problems in my life went once I quit alcohol, there's no drug that unproductive, well, maybe a serious abuse on heroin. Once your body is used to weed is a complete light drug, yes, the first times are heavy, then it's like a candy. QWith alcohol, no matters how many years you have abusing it, still so toxic

  13. But America is going through a major reality crisis from ALL the drugs we take. When laws get passed forcing us to recognise people who are PRETENDING they're something they're not we got a problem. Other countries with bad intentions are starting to look at our cartoon behaviour like we're easy pickings

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