1. Thanks for posting this. Here’s my story that I shared on FB and with pet owning friends:

    My dog has Cushings and in the last few days I’ve been using CBD oil from ‘CBD Dog Health’ recommended to me by a local pet store owner who’s been in the business for twenty years. The transformation in my dog who’s now suffering most likely from the final stages of Cushings disease has been jaw dropping.

    For three years I’ve had him on herbs and supplements recommended for this illness and my vet said he’s done quite well considering he’s not been on any conventional meds. Most dogs with this illness only live for around two years.

    A friend of ours who healed her cancer holistically recommended Essiac to cleanse his system and I’d read that CBD oil would give an extra boost to the immune system, reduce inflammation and keep him calm. Well, this stuff is nothing short of amazing. Even my hubby who’s usually quite skeptical (hey, he’s a journalist) says he’s gobsmacked. Twenty minutes after administering half a dropperful of CBD oil Buddy was pretty much like his old self, sleeping, drinking and panting less and eating normally and much more alert. On day three of this regimen he was wagging his tail and jumping up on his front paws at meal time. Before this we thought he was preparing to go the way of the rainbow bridge.

    In the last few weeks he’s had a hacking cough and my husband researched online and discovered that it’s the sign of blood clots in the lungs. An online query to a vet by someone about the hacking recommended 300 mg of dog aspirin once or twice a day (dose is for a 45-50 lb dog) to break up the supposed blood clots. Along with the CBD oil the hacking has almost stopped.

    CBD oil is the main star of this story and I highly recommend it if your dog has any ailment.

    Here’s the company’s website as their formulas are made for specific ailments for dogs. However any CBD oil for dogs may seem viable but not all oils are the same. Check reviews (BBB too as there are scams) before purchasing any CBD oil for your pet for effectiveness and purity.


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