CBD Oil for Autoimmune Inflammatory Diseases Crohns Disease, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis – Gunver Juul

In this interview Gunver Juul (Danish Holistic Biomedicine School) explains how she has used CBD Oil in her practice to help …


  1. My dear.. maybe somebody has experience in treating rheumatoid arthritis with cbd oil? How is to be used at beginning? Is there a health risk of using this oil for a bit older people, over 60 years?

  2. Looking into cbd oil for my uncle he has cancer. He said he might as well try it as he has nothing to loose. To be honest we dont know much about it only that its illegal in Ireland. I didn't know it helps Crohns disease which is something I have as well as sarcoidosis

  3. I have Ankylosing Spondilitis. I'm fused from about my T1-C1. I'm fairly kyphotic. so much of my pain is in my upper and mid traps, trying to hold my head up. they are in. constant state of spasm. It seems nothing will give me relief other than a talented masseur. it's a short lived help if I don't go twice a week, which is not possible. Think CBD lotion or a tincture would help?

  4. I have found some studies on internet which showed hemp oil is beneficial for many reasons. I have tried bunch of products from the market but found CW hemp oil effective for me. I suggest try few reputed brands and go with one which gives good results. This link has brief that how it works.

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