I use castor oil on my shoulder/neck area and it's literally raised lumps up and out of my muscles. It's amazing and you're not going to believe it until you try it. Thankfully you can get it cheap. It's worth a shot!
I think my pain is structural, I had a stroke 13 years ago, I no longer get any kind of medical attention but I’m often in pain from my jaw through neck shoulder, hand and foot on effected side
any alternative To psyllium high fiber iTem
The tale-bone is often a reason too ! Your osteopath can fix it !
I use castor oil on my shoulder/neck area and it's literally raised lumps up and out of my muscles. It's amazing and you're not going to believe it until you try it. Thankfully you can get it cheap. It's worth a shot!
I can't eat MSG-added food. Monosodium glutamine triggers headaches. I avoid those additives in my food.
Crypto infection called chylimdma pneumonia
Electromagnetic radiation from cell towers and Wi-Fi
I think my pain is structural, I had a stroke 13 years ago, I no longer get any kind of medical attention but I’m often in pain from my jaw through neck shoulder, hand and foot on effected side
Its usually dehydration like 99% of the time
What can heal post concussion syndrome headaches? I got injured at work and I have suffered a headache everyday for four months now.
Stress and tension, even anxiety can cause headaches. Improper sleep can also be a cause. Where's all the herbal remedies you recommend?
I def think mine are structural…. It always happens when my traps/shoulders are tight. I can feel the nots.
Keep a diary!!! That would be easier
What about hormonal headaches or migraines? It seems that my daughter and I would get headaches or migraines around that time of the month.
Dehydration is #1 cause. And bottled water has not minerals or electrolytes right?