1. Sorry you lost me with the annoying smoke alarm in the back, speaking of if you’re gonna have a cooking lol you should probably have your smoke alarms working

  2. USE tincture not butter. fat does not combine with hard candy . alcohol infusions, however, will work.. canna butter is not a good idea.u can see on her suckers its just a sucker with butter all over it…

  3. I hate to be that person cause you are "showing us something". I would suggest first change that damn battery when making a video. The smoke detector beep is some of the most annoying sounds; then I feel you left out a very important step. How much butter did you use for 'x' amount of candies?

  4. People I’m going to answer the questions you have been asking because I see that she won’t. First of all if you want your candy suckers to have an even potency you will have to use lecithin. If you don’t some of the candies will be more potent than the other. She might say or people might say well I use lecithin when I made my canna butter, that’s not the same thing as when you’re heating your canna butter and candies together. And it’s always best to do on top of the stove on low heat enough for the candies to melt then add your lecithin stir it real good until incorporate in the candy then put your butter in and stir that real good then you put it in your moles. For the potency I normally use a half a stick of canna butter to each separate colors. I normally buy the big bag of jolly ranchers. If you want it stronger you can use a stick of butter. But believe me a half a stick is very potent. Or you can use less canna butter that will give you a mellow feeling.

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