Find out the dangers of Delta-8 THC & why you need to stop taking it immediately. Doctor Jack Ep 72

Thank you for checking out this video! You are awesome! I am Doctor Jack, a board-certified anesthesiologist & pain management …


  1. Delta 8 was terrible.

    I had full body tremors and muscle twitches when I took it.

    That shit almost took me to the ER.

    Now I don't touch it with a hundred foot pole.

    I imagine the D8 products I had bought still had shady solvents in them, because old school Delta 9 never gave me those effects.

  2. Great video was wondering about this regarding Delta 8. I've seen this company Deltiva that publishes extensive labs on their website for all their products. Is this something you can comment on?

  3. Shop I live above trued to sell me a vape 100%. THC look at box 70£ 2g 0.03 delta 9 I gave it back to him got my money which he didn't liy about it to me glad I know a fue things and don't vape

  4. I have no problem with legalization.
    What pisses me off is when people are walking down a city street, so in the middle of the work day , getting high when they should be working at a job ! I love drinking beer, but I have a job. I dont drink on my employers time. This is thee reason why I believe a good portion of weed users are LAZY,JOBLESS LOSERS !
    Last week I was in the back of a strip shopping center watching CHIPOTLE cooks sharing a bowl. If these 2 idiots got hurt on the job, or did something to hurt a customer because they were high, the company can and WILL be sued.

  5. I do commercial HVAC and one day last week I was working at the Cherry Hill Mall in Cherry Hill New Jersey, and there was a booth in the mall selling all kinds of cannabis products. I am not a user of cannabis. But I was extremely curious.
    So I bought a $18 package of 5 mg gummy bears. I've yet taken them because I am kind of leery. I told the gentleman that I did not want to get messed up I just want to feel a little good and be able to still function . So he gave me a sativa gummy bear called euphoria.
    I will not eat this until I find out if it's safe.

  6. It Does Relief Anxiety, But I Can't Smoke It If I live In A Government Apartment.That Is How Some End Up Back In A Group Home!!! I Don't Want To Risk It.The Government Has Rules That I Have To Follow.

  7. When I throw out my back, I look forward to 2 days of severe pain before it starts to dull. I tried a delta 8 vape they had at the head shop. Immediate relief…I couldn’t believe it. Even after I’ve moved and can get rec use thc now, it’s still that delta 8 one that works like a charm.

  8. Disgraceful scaremongering. Yes, if you buy cheap tat at a gas station, you get what you pay for. This does not mean that Delta-8 is the problem.

  9. this seems to concentrate mainly on thc-a products, not the flower being sold….is there any information on how the flower is different

  10. This is tricky man cause i need a t break bad but need to stay on this sleep schedule bad but i live where all we have to help me with that is this sinthetic bs

  11. I was addicted to it for about 2 years. Starting out doing it once a week, then twice a week then 3 times then just whenever I felt like it.

    I noticed it was affecting my memory and it would affect my mood the next day

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