1. meanwhile me in some rural hospital fighting the GPs and the patients to come fasting the day of the exam.

    can't even see the pancreas. let alone a gastroduodenal artery.

  2. I love! You teach me a lot… can you please help.. I had a patient, same age as me. 28. On ECMO. One cath in rt. groin and one in abd. Both cannulas secured to the right medial leg. And I’m there to rule out DVT in RLE. CFV-POP only… per protocol. 9L I couldn’t see. I used the curved & I could barely see.. but am I making things up? Idk how to work around bandages… I had a very minimal view and I couldnt sleep after this study! Can I compress with ECMO even though it’s in the artery? Am I doing damage? Pt. Toes and lower leg was purple… more of an arterial study but… I could barely see! Do you have any tricks on how to work around this?

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