Study: Edible symptoms more serious than smoking

A new study shows the symptoms of consuming edibles are more severe than those tied to smoking marijuana.


  1. Whenever the news talks about weed in any kind of way, You know it's going to be one clown show of information. Hold up, I have an 100mg edible right here that I will consume while watching.

  2. "Heart Palpitations"?
    No, you're not having a heart attack, that's bullshit.
    Yes, marijuana in any form increases your heart rate just like during periods of exercise; it also has diuretic properties that leech electrolytes from the body.
    Drink a Gatorade before or after you consume marijuana to replenish your sodium and potassium.

    Enjoy you weed, you can thank me later.😌

  3. Edibles are amazing. I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.

  4. I recently had a bad trip. My THc tolerance had gotten to the point I was eating four at a time to feel anything, so I watched a video of how to reset your tolerance level. It worked like a charm. Problem was after the reset, I know longer needed as much to get high, so I ate 2 of my strongest gummies. At first I felt good but then I think I had a anxiety attack. The most terrifying thing I ever experienced by far. It felt as if I had no control over my thoughts and I was trying to convince myself to commit suicide. It literally felt as my confident secure mind was at war with my angst ridden insecure side of myself… that I didn't know I had. I was CONVINCED that I had snapped and would have to go to a psych ward. I kept standing up to do something but didn't know what to do so I would sit back down. I finally convinced myself to lay down and try to sleep it off. It was a valuable lesson. Now when I read about someone committing suicide it hits different. How many of them went through that and didn't make it? Very eye opening experience. Never taking more than one at a time again.

  5. The news doesn't lie. Edibles are dangerous.
    The last time I took one, I binged watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1,2, 3., played some Tekken and got destroyed, then I listened to Devin Townsend and swore I could start levitating if I tried hard enough.

  6. I took 10 mg of live resin “accidentally” – some one pretty much gave it to me not disclosing it was an eddible. I am a 38 year old female 5’6” 110 lbs. I experienced a trip that at the time felt like the worst experience for my family and I because it lasted 30 hours but retrospectively, it entirely changed my life. I understood time, manifestation, and I’m now trying to figure out if others had similar experiences. It felt more like what someone explained to me as a mushroom high.

  7. I took a couple puffs of weed then took a shot of vodka then took a 30mg thc gummy. Rookie mistake. Thought i was dying, mouth got dryer than a desert. The paranoia was intense and had to go to the ER. Never doing that again

  8. Ladies and gentlemen I just went a horrible editable experience. Becareful Please. I was a guy who would have bought a bottle of gumme drops. No real problem. Then I came across a kind that just 5 small gummue worms sent me into what I can only describe as a start up dope high very sick empty fighting sick but nothing there. It was like I was doing Is heroine again. Be safe it can be fun. But not to gummies are the same. Patience younger a** hopper a little now. A little later, enjoy tomorrow. Too much now. Anyway actually die scary now forty four years never felt scared about my weed.

  9. I remember going to Disney World with my family last year. I'm 34 years old, so this event definitely shouldn't have happened, but hey.

    My buddy gave me a little bag with several different edibles. I had already tried some, and they seemed to all be 10mg. Anyway, we get back from the park on night and we are going out to dinner. I have an empty stomach and popped an edible. After about 30 min, I'm feeling it come on a little too strong. I look at the package…this one wasn't 10mg…it was 100mg. Long story short, I spent half the night in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror to make sure I could SEE myself breathe because I couldn't feel it. It's always funny the next morning when you're clearheaded because you know an edible isn't going to actually harm you…but that sheer panic of doom really makes you think you're gonna die haha

  10. You gotta take it slow with edibles…but studies now show a link between smoking and heart disease and strokes

    We aren’t supposed to put anything but oxygen into our lungs

    I love smoking. Breaking up flower and rolling it is a wonderful ritual for me but I need to cut back on putting smoke in my body

  11. I abused edibles and alcohol together. It made me black out for hours. I also felt the effects for hours. I have decided to stop abusing all drugs and alcohol going forward

  12. I ate 2 edible candies, 10mg thc each, biggest symptom was being dizzy as hell. Also my brain was following behind my head like a truck towing a camper. I didn't like the feeling so I quit moving my head.

  13. So bottom line. Educate yourself before taking it. Know the difference between smoking it and using edibles. Oh yeah. Don't drink and use pot or you are going to have a bad time.

  14. Here's the solution to your problem (FREE OF CHARGE). Never take too much and always wait 3-10 ten hours before ingesting another. Slowly increase the amount of THC per experience. I started at 50 mg of edible THC delta-8. The next day, I did 100 mg. The next day I tried 200. For me 300 is high enough. Beyond 300, I get a little too lost in thought and loopy. 100-200 is very under control and productive, never sleepy until 24 hours later, creative thoughts to the moon, relaxed body like a menthol massage, better sense of humor and clever jokes, mildly drunk. I eat way less, lost weight, make better food decisions, talked to my wife for 15 hours straight at least 10 times in the first month, started working harder and creating my own line of work. So for me, it is so beneficial. My cold shoulder is improving days by day–and that's crazy after a year and half of no progress. Predictions: writers all take Delta-8. People around the world will become kind, productive geniuses.

  15. Important Note: Anyone who uses edible THC should ALWAYS have peppercorns on hand; they are a great antidote for a THC overdose. Just eat a few peppercorns and it will bring you down almost immediately. This will save the victim from a few very uncomfortable hours of anxiety and paranoia. You're welcome.

  16. Has anyone ever read all the ingredients in edibles . Please Look at you purchases and the ingredient on the products . Just like you would at the grocery store.

  17. Edibles is pretty dope but they will knock you out so be prepared to lay down and relax don’t take a edible and then go to work or drive a car in traffic then say you had a bad experience

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