The Official Guide To Edibles presents the ultimate guide on how to prepare and safely consume edibles in a safe and responsible …


  1. Damm I guess I have a high tolerance. I ate 600 at once and was okay feel like I need a 1000mg to get stupid . I make my own with bho and coconut oil . Hits harder than candys

  2. bro I cant imagine what these people taking hundreds of mg of edibles are like. I take 5mg of edibles and get so high im on the edge of what I am comfortable with. I would die if I took 100mg of weed orally (not actually, but damn…)

  3. I take edibles most weekends now. I feel it within 30 minutes now. It used to take 1-2 hours. And these are not “quick release “ either. Those I’ve talked to can relate. Is there a reason this happens?

  4. my first time taking edibles i didnt follow almost any of these rules. i started hullucinating and thought i was dying/dead. strongest 30 mg of my fucking life

  5. Weed/edibles are so weird how split down the middle it is. 50% of people will say it helps their stress levels so much they can't live without it. Then the other 50% will say it does nothing but give them horrible anxiety. From my experience, if your knew to weed or edibles, whatever you think is a safe starting point, cut that in half or even less. 1 small puff, or 2-5mg edibles, and until you know how your body and mind will react, stay the hell away from dabs lol.

  6. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and exercise every day, I think that one reason weed gets a bad rap causes it’s associated with laziness. The whole war on drugs was a huge mistake, everything should be legal as long as you meet the age requirements and aren’t doing anything evil or scamming ppl. Nobody deserves to be imprisoned or ruined for partaking in substances, especially not pot. That shits for killers and pedos, not unofficial doctors dabbling in the many reasons and cures that we obviously need at least weed geez. Peace to the world, no fear or anxiety to all and god bless everyone

  7. I started taking edibles a few weeks ago (I’m undergoing anxiety and depression medication so I have to be even more careful)

    I think I like them more than alcohol, especially since I have IBS so generally speaking an edible by itself won’t destroy my stomach.

    My first time I tried 5 mg, did nothing to me.

    Next session I tried 10. Felt a bit sort of like how being tipsy feels. But not potent enough for me ig.

    Next time I tried 20 and wow that went well, watched speed racer and got completely lost in the movie.

    Over here where I live it’s illegal to sell thc but as long as you consume it at home there shouldn’t be a problem. So I’ve only stuck to doing it alone at home with one of my parents in the house just in case something goes wrong (Note: I am 22 yo)

    The problem with edibles for me is that I’m a big boy, 240 pounds. The edibles I’ve got at my disposal take sometimes 3 or even 4 hours to kick in. Thankfully I knew to wait as long as possible for the effect to kick in.

    I decided to get crossfaded a few days ago and it felt amazing but I also knew this was something I should only do like once every 2 months or so.

    Biggest problem is the munchies, as previously mentioned I have IBS and the food creations I make when I have the munchies can be incredible delicacies or dubious abominations depending on who you ask. So that’s the only part I still have to control. Otherwise I’m loving my experience so far, I think 20-30mg is my sweet point for now.

    Btw, if anybody is actually reading this, recommend me music albums or movies to watch for the next time I take an edible.

  8. In my late teens & 20s my friends and I would do shrooms, Isd, and ecstasy occasionally. Good times!
    All were positive, fun, spiritual experiences. But, it's been decades. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who can get psychedelics from. I live in LA & there's a Kush store three blocks from my house, but I can't function alone on weed. I wish they sold psilocybin gummies. I'm a little depressed & a little anxious on a regular basis. I'm not a big drinker and I hate taking pills.
    A bite or two of a chocolate bar, or a cup of mushroom tea everyday would be a godsent for me.

  9. Would have been great knowing these things bevore I took 1/2 a cookie and got a high for what felt like weeks, well time was kinda fcked so cant really say how long it actually took but it was about 6h real time. Well it didnt stop there ither cause the buzz keept at it for 16h wich was still very scary, cause I feelt like something else was controlling my boddy could'nt controll what came out of my mouth, ah whatever its fine now and I've learned my lesson!

    I heard it helps, give it a shot if you took too much, also have someone not high on hand that can help you if you need help.

  10. A few other things:
    1. The high is more powerful when you eat edibles on an empty stomach. Eating edibles with a full stomach can sometimes completely negate the high all together.
    2. Hold off on eating snacks until your high is peaking. When you're high, eating is 1000x more enjoyable. Also, you'll find that you'll be able to eat way more than usual before feeling full. Keep your stomach empty until the munchies kick in so that you can really go to town on those oreos when the moment is right.
    3. Take a break from edibles for a day or two to lower your tolerance back down. Don't keep increasing your dosage (It's just a waste of your money). People call this taking a t-break.
    4. Watch 'I Wanna Be A Hippy' by Technohead (•_•)

  11. My first time taking an edible I just ate a couple pieces not looking at how many milligrams was in each piece, I ended up greening out and then found out I took a 100 milligrams, I was still high the next day until like the afternoon lol

  12. Thank you for making this video, my mom is considering having me apply for a medical card when I'm 18 (only a few months away) so I could take edibles to treat my anxiety. I'll keep all of this in mind if this is the case.

  13. Dude I took one to school and split it amongst my friends and they where high as fuck and it was funny because I didn’t eat it just to see there reactions

  14. I tried an edible gummy for the first time. Thought it would just relax me, and help with pain. Well about an hour later, I was so dizzy I couldn't even walk. Things were moving around, and I couldn't even focus my vision on any particular thing. I felt trapped, and wondered how long it was going to last. Took me about 8 hours before I could function again. Went to bed and couldn't even get to sleep. Finally the next day, I was like normal again. Never again. Not sure what dose it was. Container was marked 150 mg thc, but that was for the whole package. I just had one.

  15. I took 250mg my first time and I could feel everything like my eye lashes touching when I blink and the lining of the clothes on my body etc. but now when I smoke or take edibles I don’t feel different, I took 30mg like 3 days ago so I could get pretty high but I didn’t feel anything so the next day I did 70mg then the next day I did 100mg and I still didn’t feel anything. I might try doing them earlier in the day tho cuz I did them at 730 and and I sleep at 1am but usually get tired around 10 but if anyone got some tips so I can feel something lmk

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