The Shocking Story of THCA & Cannabis Legalization EXPOSED

The Shocking Story of THCA & Cannabis Legalization EXPOSED NEWSLETTER: TWITTER: …


  1. Some people are confused on the difference between a hemp plant and a normal marijuana plant ,A hemp plant is a normal marijuana plant just with lower THC levels there's no difference otherwise … furthermore a cannabis plant does not make THC it makes thca . You got to add Heat to get THC a converted to THC as stated you can eat all the raw cannabis you want and you won't get high no matter what the level of THCa

  2. The store is a selling fake stuff bro the internet that sells it all that's fake. I have a medical card the medical marijuana that I get compared to the street marijuana I can get both fire the s*** that I bought offline at different venues and convenience stores stores that set up just for the Delta THC hi that I do not want and you took the time to do a big story on it and it's fake you can heat it up and it's not going to get you high like marijuana wonder why šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚.
    You want some real marijuana grow it I don't even trust the medical marijuana that I get it is so strong

  3. What really needs exposing about the thca industry is the ā€œsnowballsā€, thca dusted flower. And incredibly strong delta gummies that are NOT full spectrum, but condensed with one or two cannabinoids. I work in a smoke shop, we sell all the thca and delta products. A spike in cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome over the last year because of people overdoing one cannabinoid instead of the regular thca flower or a blended cart/gummy. Things are getting too strong and there needs to be some form of regulation on strength and access. Just do full spectrum, natural shit. If it doesnā€™t look or taste like mother earth made it, donā€™t bother. Thca flower is good, but we donā€™t need to go adding a thousand ā€œterpenes and trichomes and isolatesā€ to perfectly good bud. Great video!

  4. It was never illegal from the very beginning of the United States for anyone to apply for the licensing to grow marijuana, hemp. They simply inadvertently for no reason at all blocked it.

  5. You know THC from hemp is not psychoactive
    Most good weed has at least .7 THC from female cannabis
    Hemp doesn't naturally have 28%THCa only a GMO would have that
    Most all medical cannabis is THCA and a small amount of THC
    CBD antagonist to bring out the THCA ?
    I doubt that's natural to this earth

  6. Hemp is mix of male and female plant
    Cannabis is female plants only
    Smoke it and you will know the difference
    By the end of the year almost every state will be legalized to some extent
    No one i repeat no one needs to smoke industrial hemp

  7. Raphael Mechoulam Known as "the godfather of cannabis research" isolation of THC, CBD and The endocannabinoid system
    the main active principle of cannabis started researching in 1962 and was funded by the United States government in 1963. Raphael Mechoulam passed away in 2023 the research continues

  8. Please eat cannabis and stop burning it and please only grow under sunlight and stop culling males. It's meant for difficult pregnancies. It's a short term medicine.

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