1. God i hope he doesnt get covid…covid is so deadly and dangerous. We need to make sure people dont get covid. Slamming bottles of alcohol for years and years is…not a concern because there is no vaccines for that. 😂

  2. The medications which are used to treat the withdrawal symptoms like shaking/tremors are of course the Benzodiazepines in particular Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) or sometimes Diazepam (Valium) which stronger but both work on the same brain 🧠 receptors as alcohol 🍸(Gaba receptors) thereby substituting the alcohol

  3. 435 days sober. I will never forget what it feels like to be in that place you are describing. Sometimes i would wake up and my stash would be gone, girlfriend would dump it down the drain on me while I slept so I would have to call an uber to take me to the bar waiting sometimes hours for that first sip.
    What a living hell. For those of you still in that place, rehab offers a way out. You might think you are hopeless but you are not! Help is a phone call away, if you can't do it have a loved one make the call for you. Your life is worth saving!

  4. Thank you for sharing this video… I can relate. Especially to the breathing and bring sure I will have a heart attack. And the horrible anxiety attacks the next day

  5. Maybe just a nice cold brew, what's a beer?"

    That's the devil in my ear, I've been sober a f**kin' year, and that f**ker still talks to me, he's all I can f**kin' hear!

    "Marshall, come on, we'll watch the game
    It's the Cowboys and Buccaneers"

    And maybe if I just drink half, I'll be half-buzzed for half of the time? Who’s the mastermind behind that little line…

    15 year poly addict.. used everything from “harmless” pot, coke, opiate pills, H, fent, crystal, lsd, ketamine, ecstasy, shrooms, ghb, xanax, and my second favorite..alcohol😞.
    Had 1 year sober, I kicked all off it over a 3yr period, except for 2… opiates and alcohol and opiates. I never liked or I should say preferred uppers, so stopping coke & crystal wasn’t that hard and only about as frustrating and the same cravings as quitting cigs after smoking for only 2-3 months. Psychedelics were never done alone or any time other than over the weekends and parties, same with X pills. The ketamine & ghb was a bit harder as they were closer to that sort of care free, numb, ‘fkd up’ feeling but still stopped those by smoking more trees, the xans were the most difficult, out of the ones I had stopped so far atleast. My anxiety and depression skyrocketed, I hardly slept and when I did I constantly tossed and turned, had nightmares, had 3 different seizures, and woke up in cold sweats, but after 3 weeks they subsided and became bearable. The alcohol and opiates on the other hand were/are the absolute hardest and while I wasn’t into alcohol enough to suffer these level of withdrawals but it was definitely enough to feel like hell, and mixed with the opiate withdrawal while not fatal, I certainly felt like I was. Minutes felt like hours, my appetite was gone, depression had me literally in bed sleeping days away for about two weeks… as if I was trying to get through the pains, boredom, and lack of any type of happiness or motivation or any emotion at all.. only to have anxiety ridden sleep, usually at most 3-4hrs of light sleep from restless legs, muscle aches and cramps, nausea and vomiting, and constant thoughts and my brain not shutting off.. after what seemed like an eternity and what felt like I was going crazy, it had been 2 weeks of sobriety, then made it to 3, by 4 I finally wasn’t as depressed as I had been.. and finally got out of bed and actually took a shower and got dressed; when previously I had simply been too depressed to care about anything at all and just layed in bed trying to force myself to sleep not even leaving my bed unless it was to use the restroom, or eat which was about once every 2-3 days. Some nights the only thought that got me to sleep was the thought that maybe I’ll get lucky…maybe I won’t wake up….no more pain, no more feeling like I have no purpose, no more pretending I was happy. But after awhile I started feeling actual emotions again, feelings of excitement, laughter, happiness, and the feeling that you really can live a happy fulfilling life without them… and that’s when I lost it all….😞.

    My best friend, honestly I feel strange calling him that as he was as close to me as a brother.. closer than my brother. The day he passed he came by, usually he’d call or text but he just came by, I was a bit surprised but when he said “what, I can’t come see my brother?!? Just wanted to stop by and hang for a bit and say what’s up” it just felt like something someone would say when they truly cared. He didn’t judge, didn’t front or pretend to like you or pretend to agree with you and always told you exactly how he felt.. he never lied to make you feel better and you could genuinely talk to him about anything. He helped me get sober… called me every day… was there whenever, could have been 3am needing anti nausea medication and he’d already be driving to Walmart to get it, no questions asked. And when I got sober I treated him the same, to the point we just naturally told people we were brothers. That night, I was woken by a phone call from a friend… my brother was gone. He had stopped breathing in his sleep, and had lost too much oxygen by the time the ambulance had gotten to the ER. After that, I just couldn’t cope, I just wanted to be numb. I blamed god, unable to understand why he would take such a caring innocent person..I blamed the people he was with, wondering how none of them, who were up all night, could possibly go without noticing he wasn’t breathing. I hated everyone, I wanted to end it all and see him again.. but I was a coward and couldn’t do it. It was like I was too scared to die, but too afraid to live, and I ended up relapsing on opiates.. part of my reasoning being “maybe I’ll OD… just nod off to sleep and not wake up”, but it only turned into a full on relapse. I lost my brother, gave up my year of sobriety, and am still struggling every day to not only get clean again… to cope in a healthy way… but to find out wtf the purpose of all this is, whatever it is, this… ‘life’

  6. Theres this friend i just met 7 months ago and she s an alcoholic. She drinks those $1 shots from the liquor store every day at about 8-9 shots a day. Drives drunk, peas blood, and rarely eats. I wish she would stop.

  7. In the beginning I thought he was in actual withdrawal and the way he said how are you and looked so calm almost made me laugh😂 but I’m proud that your off that stuff good for you man!

  8. This shook me. I drink too much without a doubt. I hope I will be able to handle it soon. Im 30 now and my worst fear is to die of illness, slowly going out.

  9. You and a friend who has gone through addiction have inspired me to go sober. It's been three weeks and without watching this video I'd still be drinking! I feel better with no Consumption

  10. Thank you brother! So I picked up my old drinking habit again a few months ago and am Tuesday starting my detox with diazepam because alcohol started destroying my life and exercise habits so quick.

    Gonna be living sober again so soon and can't be more grateful! 🙏🏻💪🏻

  11. Alcohol is poison. I remember that I took 5 months without alcohol. That's the best way to live if you have a family. I seriously want to stop drinking before I have a kid

  12. Alcohol is incredibly powerful and scary. Thank goodness im 27 days sober and im never ever looking back. 25 is a good young age to kick everything but weed to the side. Cant let alcohol make me into a monster anymore 🙏🏽💪🏽

  13. I got a guy at work he is at the bar every day he shakes like hell at work bad. Looks just like that. He has gone to work with me in florida and as far as i know has not drank for a week. But begs to get home. He says he misses home but its probably with draw he could sneak stuff for all i know. Thanks for the vid. I have questions on the breathing part. My buddy does that he takes alot of pain meds. Hmmm i hope he dont die. So if you drink then you dont die. Its kinda crazy

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