300 marijuana plants, pills worth $450K found at Freeport grow house

Deputies also found three vehicles reported stolen out of Houston. A 39-year-old was arrested, but his charges are pending as …


  1. Waste of our tax dollars like always. I wonder if the US government knows that we absolutely fucking hate them and know they're liars and cheats in every way possible 🤔

  2. 18,500 times 24 each is 450,000 who the fuck ever paid 24 dollars for a xanax bar? these people are liars nobody pays over like 5 bucks for one they should be fired for these lies to frame this man

  3. these people said what they got was worth 5x what its worth top dollar. what a bunch of lying scum bags. the yreally said those xanax pills are worth $24 a pill get the fuck out of here. try 2-4 dollars a piece

  4. From what i could tell this was a soil grow, cops just say hydroponic everything what ever, crap looking grow, likely the stolin cars and pill sales brought the blue slacks stay lower next time

  5. I saw a Business Insider documentary which said people who grow it hardly get 1% of the end point market value. All these big inflated numbers are used by police departments to get medals and news media to catch attention and viewership

  6. 450K for 300 Plants??? This is only sometimes true. Each plant will give you 30G – 40G pure, and this is in a very healthy environment. So 40G * 300 = 12,000G. Which equals to 26Lb. Each pound sold for a maximum of $1500. 1500*26= 39K. They make it worth $450K; what a joke.

  7. That’s legitimately NOTHING in California 😭😭😭😭 U.S. weed law enforcement in 2023 is OBVIOUSLY just a “patriotic war on drugs” LIE/MONEY-GRAB/ATTACK on their addicts ESPECIALLY from MINORITY COMMUNITIES 💯

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