A BIG Hearing is Coming Up in The Bryan Kohberger Case

00:00 Docket 00:36 Intro 04:30 Bryan Kohberger 11:42 Alec Baldwin Rejected 18:02 A Very Embarrassing Situation 22:35 Actor …


  1. The prosecution is covering their own underhanded procedures. By placing the gag order and keeping the public at arms distance they believe they will be able to eventually find something to prove their case. But the re isn't a chance in hell that they will not be able to follow up on their case against Bryan. So far they are just continuing to look stupid in court & the judge is also finding himself stuck with no answers. Its time to let the guy go and prepare for the law suit to follow. 🧐😉⚖️

  2. We must ask why the victims' and survivors' phone records haven't been a focal point and push for transparency in this ongoing investigation. Only by examining all pieces of the puzzle can we hope to achieve justice for the victims and ensure that the right person is held accountable.

  3. Millions of dollars being spent on Kohberger! So sick of it!He sits there free room and board! He has a smirk on his face,while the families have so much pain on theirs!Get him to trial please!!

  4. On Kohberger case is transfer DNA om that snap…not blood or other bodily fluids ….so nothing in his house,both his and parents,nothing in the car…or office…but they have him with the transfer DNA after killing 4 people in that matter….such a close contact….with 2 of the victims fighting back …I do not know guys…..now it looks like the prosecution after last hearing does not even have his car on the video….Sy Ray will take the stand on his behalf in regards to his phone,location and alibi….it seems to me that if he committed such a horrific crime you should be able to have much more evidence…..and they might have it but not with BK….but with the real killers…yes killers not killer….and if BK is found not guilty or he will be exonerated like he said this case will be a cold case…and they tore the house down. …hmm…I hope the autopsies have something more to say….so far with everything I see it looks like a cover-up…but what do I know….right?

  5. Obviously, this is the key reason why Anne needs the chain of custody for the DNA. If people believe this is NOT important to the defence case, this mindset is dangerous, as it sets the stage for corruptive behaviour within LE as their work product will not be questioned.
    Anybody, can plant DNA in a crime scene. The world needs to know that there was no deceptive behaviour within this case regarding the IGG. Most of us who have been following this case from the very start are aware of the red flags in this case, and quite honestly there are many.
    The fight between Ethan and the frat boys from the university, that occurred just hours before the crimes has strangely not formed part of the investigation.
    The gag order that followed immediately after the crimes, where Frey said yourll are just gonna have to trust us on this.
    All false allegations aired on mainstream media, News Nation, Nancy Grace and Ashley Banfield, who went on to report all of these false allegations as truth claiming they had proof, which to this day has Not surfaced, instead, was proven in court that this was false, eg, stalking.
    BK has his head buried in books, trust me to produce the levels of excellence that he has, there will be absolutely no room for stalking or obsessions to the point of killing people.
    Detective Malroy, just a few days ago, was highly suspicious as he gave Anne muffled answers we could barely hear, but came alive when responding to Prosecution.
    The closing of hearings, are they perhaps afraid that the world will get to see what's happening in this case, the Truth? Is this perhaps what Anne is accusing the State?
    Tomorrow this could be one of your own sitting in BKs position, where the very people you depend on to serve and protect you and your family, are the ones destroying with accusations that cannot be properly valididated simply because they know that these are all false accusations that have been presented as truth.
    These are some of the reasons that have lead many of us to believe that there is a collective effort at framing BK that has possibly reached judicial level.
    Its Anne's job to dig into this evidence. It's Anne's job to ensure that a lie has not been presented as truth. It's Anne's job to fight for her client and today my prayer is that God himself will help Anne and her team prove BKs innocence and exhonerate him.
    I have been horrified by both prosecution and Judges responses. It's almost as if they have received directive from a higher place, that has assured them that there will be no repercussions for their responses, even if it goes against the constitution. These are just my thoughts

  6. It's almost impossible to reenact events. Even when you are 100% being truthfull. That's always been my luck anyway. I've even said "I couldn't do that again to save my life" 😂

  7. 📅 THIS GUY HAS BEEN locked up for OVER 1 LONG YEAR! Would someone who's INNOCENT have his COOL, CALM & COLLECTED demeanour throughout ALL THIS TIME?! HELL, NO!

    His behaviour & body language hasn't changed in ALL these months! There's NEVER been a sign of any emotion … an INNOCENT person would DEFINITELY react, ESPECIALLY when wrongly accused, arrested, DETAINED & DEPRIVED of their family & FREEDOM! ⚖️

  8. Send Baldwin to jail. Remember the stink he made when the Vice President had a hunting accident. You have to love the liberal laws in California. All the liberals are starting to pay the price for weak liberal punishments. SMH.

  9. I believe the DNA CO.has essentially provided a loophole for Police to see this information – even when the person has indicated they do not want to share. Maybe this issue will go to a higher court? Just spitballing here…

  10. @Crime Talk Scott, what did you think of the witness, in the Karen Read trial for the prosecution, Mike Higgins, having his lawyer present in the courtroom, and then the judge allowing him to speak with his attorney before certain questions being asked of him in front of the jury!? I thought that was waayyy out of line!😮😮

  11. LDS church seems to think Men are more than Women. Is this American? Last time I checked the most recent highest IQ ever recorded by man was actually a WOMAN. How does this church explain that?

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