Baby with seizures

Our son Gabriel has had seizures since birth. He is doing a little tummy time (2 months old) here then has a seizure. This is the …


  1. How did little man die? Was it the seizures? I had seizure since a year old and im 36 now so i experienced these. Thankfully your unconscious when it happens so you dont feel it. Luckily neither one of my kids have seizures

  2. Lol!! In the comments everyone is a doctor! The baby is only months old. I'm sure she was JUST INSTRUCTED ON EXACTLY WHAT TO DO with her baby. Ppl need to Shut up !!!

  3. Your poor baby, i hope things are getting better… and, to all the comments, I'm sure this mother was shown and educated on what to do, and what not to do, and she is doing what she was told was ok….. So. Let her be and to take care of her baby! ❤😊

  4. Que de Parents RIDICULES 🤮tout ça pour faire une vidéo 💤quel effort doit fournir un BB , des Idiots qui pensent qu’il se retournera ou avancera seul🤷🏻‍♀️Il s’égosille à moitié et on le met sur le dos, alors qu’il est essoufflé ce Pauvre Petit Chou🙏C’est Archi NUL🙉

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