Cannabis pruning and training – lollipopping outdoor grow

MarsHydro #OrganicGrowing #Fc6500 In this video I show how I lollipop and defoliate my outdoor plants to turn them into bushes.


  1. I understand why you would want to trim off sucker branches and such while you're doing an indoor grow.. but an outdoor grow makes me wonder why you shouldn't just leave it alone question mark shouldn't the Sun be able to penetrate all of that? It just seems like it's consuming enough energy to not have to do that excess trimming and pruning . That's been my experience for outdoor growing anyways

  2. I work in a commercial setting and let me tell you. 50 percent of leaves are taken off from the middle down. It hurts and seems wrong, but the energy spent on producing low quality flowers at these low level branches is best sacrificed to direct energy to the tops.

  3. To all my fellow growing friends return to sanity, make sure to vote for the only political party that helps us growing guys and girls, that would be Joe Biden and the Democratic party! The republicans have deserted our nation! Have a great growing season with many many buds,

  4. I normally grow plants that can hold themselves up. Yours seem broken. Your whole plant looks like the only branch I break off to make a clone which comes out looking like those plants. I doubt if he would have the hand strength to train an outdoor plant properly to handle Thai and other Asian strains.The requirement to grow weed is to have a hand strength stronger then a child.

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