1. Thank you so much ,I have always wanted to build my home with hemp Crete
    I have been fascinated with this hempcrete since I was 13 years old
    And now I finally have the land to grow it on
    Thank you again

  2. LETS GO SID !! This is a great video on Texas industrial Hemp and Sid you really made it special with your introduction! Hemp is a very useful plant and can be used in so many ways– more than corn and in better ways. Many Texans and I truly value your leadership demonstrated with this program Sid. Thank you, and LETS MAKE TEXAS THE GLOBAL LEADER IN HEMP

  3. Great for bigger business but seems pretty hands-off with the multiple references to high risk/high reward… I would love the LIBERTY of just being able to grow my own without the $100 facility fee (I.E. a NON-commercial/sub-acre license). I do understand the $100 producer license though but again, with all of the extra required $$ for testing and $$ per variety it feels kinda California y'all. 👎👎

  4. Montana has the best Hemp Program and licensing application forms to protect the farmers even if the crop goes hot.
    There are several ambiguous areas especially process and response timing of receiving approved TDA transport permits.
    It's a start, but could have been much better planned and implemented with practical input from experienced growers and labs and processors.
    Links should be added in this youtube to approved seeds page, approved suppliers page and online application page.
    Disappointed that applications cannot be submitted from an ipad tablet.

  5. Need a third-party lab? Sign up at ky.yourcoa.com if you need to test your crops' cannabinoid contents. Kaycha of Kentucky is ISO certified and DEA registered, and accepts samples through the mail!!
    $50 for cannabinoid profiles, full panel testing also available. Feel free to reach out if you need help with anything!

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