How to use a cannabis vape pen with Dr. D

If you are in California you can be evaluated via telemedicine by Dr. D.’s team — Open 7 days a week …


  1. You forgot to tell them for extra boost do along with 2 glasses in fine wine and you are there in your right mind to see how con-gress men con

  2. I’m sorry I don’t agree anyone use vapes. They are hazardous for people who suffer greatly with multiple chemical sensitivity/Toxicant induced loss of tolerance and they are generally harm everyone in long run. And I have tried to talk to you via chat and no respond

  3. Man, are your eyes glazed over or what?! You say not to use it before driving but you haven't said how long to wait after just one use before driving is not impaired. Anyone else know? I didn't know you had to have the oil product for use with a vaping pen. I don't know if that's available in Australia yet. I was hoping to make some oil to use on all my sore joints. I'll have to investigate further. I know it's all still a bit experimental here but if I could get off taking so much pain medication AND improve my sleep patterns, this would be great.

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