Joey Diaz on Pain Pills, CBD, and Why He Stopped Edibles

The Church of What’s Happening Now Episode 631 Joey Diaz, Lee Syatt, and guest Bas Rutten


  1. Suboxone is great, when used correctly.. the problem was all these doctors just writing scripts and making cash from every appointment so they were making money off scripts

    I don't think it gets in your bones . The half life is just so long it builds up in your system.

    It's tough to get off of.. but if you do a slow taper it's a lot easier.

    It's definitely better when you only use it for 10-14 days to get off your full agonist opiate. You just do a quick taper.

    You stoped it,..then u realise u are incapable to feal joy happiness and motivation, because your reward pain circutry in the brain is fried,So u relapsed like 100% of all others

  3. the government/doctors/so called experts will push you towards pain killers when u don't need them. I rode motocross for Kawasaki for 6 years from 19years old to 25. I got into a really bad crash breaking 16 bones…these crazy fucked up doctors had me on so many opiates it was unbelievable took me over 8 years to get off them. I did go onto Suboxone and it helped me very much with pain control and I tapered off slowly. long story short the ppl who run the world want you to stay addicted and stay in the dark….as a teenager I smoked lots of weed but was never dependant on anything its a real shame how someone with a degree can persuade u to ruin your life.

  4. I’ve been on Suboxone for 5 years now (on and off). I have two Bachelors Degrees and a medical license, but after an incident I lost 2 fingers and had to have 14 surgeries on my arm and hip within 8 months and I became extremely dependent on OxyCodone, Morphine and at the end of it, Dilaudid. For 2 years I was snorting Oxy and Dilaudid 10-15 times a day while I was in college. I couldn’t handle the detox pain and one of my friends convinced me to take a suboxone. Since then, I haven’t gone more than 5 days without it. I either take my daily suboxone or I’ll end up relapsing on an opiate. It’s been 3 years now off everything but Suboxone but I cut down from 24mg a day to 2mg in the morning. Next month I’ll begin 1mg in the morning and 3 months after that I’ll be down to 0.5mg. But I know I’ll still have to go thru a withdrawl period for up to a month. DO NOT start suboxone, just go to detox and in 3-6 days you’ll be done with Heroin/pain pill withdrawl and feel so much better. Good luck and God Bless everyone

  5. It’s crazy hearing this guys story and the fact that weed is still not used for pain treatment, this guy almost destroyed his life with pills and he really wasn’t even intending on taking them like a typical addict

  6. Suboxone was harder for me to get off of than ANYTHING. I was sick for 23 days even after tapering down under 1mg. I actually switched to methadone and successfully tapered off that pretty easily. In the end, I use kratom for my pain needs. It's still addictive, the withdrawal will still suck, but it's safer, it doesn't intoxicate me, it's CHEAP, and it's legal. And it's saved many, many lives.

  7. Wat work for me was 5 weeks of suboxone cuz I took a full 1 for a week, 3/4s for a week, 1/2 for a week, 1/4 for a week, then I did half of the 1/4 so a 1/8 of 1 for a week. I still had withdrawals kinda i really just felt like I was at 75%. But I was still able to go to work which is construction so hard work but was still able to do it cuz it wasn’t that bad. Plus I felt like 3% better every day. So after a week and some change as Uncle Joey would say “I was tip-top Magoo” lol plus I was smokin weed and it made it so much easier.

  8. This man knowns nothing about Suboxone or methadone let alone subtex bring me on joey. I'm the you of herion I rob not steal and also I'm that fucking dude junkie or not just like joey i. Will fuck with ur head come into your house and throw away every fork that's not huge eat your fucking salad now cunt

  9. I had to stop doing mushrooms 😅 I over did it two days ago.. I ate 7 grams and it was hell 😅 I couldn’t even think of anything I was so afraid I forgot how to live and I thought I wasn’t going to get out of it haha

  10. I had to lay off edibles due to the fact I was eating 50mcg at a time and barely feel anything. So then if I get a joint, 3 hits and Im high. I dont know why edibles dont do anything for me.

  11. I forget if it's the first three pages or the last three pages but part of the United States Constitution is literally written on hemp paper. There was a point in time when the United States was encouraging farmers to grow weed so they could use the hemp for the war effort. Are founding fathers literally grew weed as a crop. Well tobacco was the main crop marijuana was grown throughout America

  12. Buprenorphine (Subutex) is free on the NHS over here (the UK) it's a lot safer than Methadone (any chemical that has the word 'meth' in it, is probably best to avoid in my opinion) with methadone you can be tempted to use on top of your meth script, so then you could now be physically and mentally addicted to both. With Buprenorphine you get tablets that you dissolve under your tongue, and once you've been on them for a few hours they'll do there 'magic'. Which basically consists of blocking all other opiates except more even if you want to relapse and take smack/oxy on top of Subutex, it won't work, you'll won't get any higher and you'll just be wasting (more) money. So often, it takes the very temptation away for the user.. Sure, it's not perfect, but it won't actually things worse, which I think methadone does in many cases.

  13. Over 5 years on suboxone now, no buzz, no payoff, just scared of the withdrawal. It saved my life but at a cost like what bas describes. Horrible but great for short term only.

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