The Top 10 Reasons Why CBD Businesses Fail

Joy Organics private label program has launched more than 1000 CBD brands. In the process, we have seen many brands …


  1. Thanks for the great advice. I'm starting a CBD online store myself, I'll be carrying other people's brands and my own brand. I'm building it from the ground up, not on a big budget at the moment, but I believe in this and know it will be great. With this video, I have a better idea on how to proceed. Thanks

  2. Wow! Some really great tips here. There's a lot of truths in here that may be a reality check for some folks, but you absolutely must think about these things. Many thanks!

  3. I just launched my first business last week. I know I’m in the right industry and in good position. I haven’t made any sales just yet, but I’m confident it will come. Still learning

  4. I am about to start my CBD business in Switzerland and Joy Organics will be one of my providers. Thanks to them, well i am learnig from one of the bests. Merci

  5. As someone who's in the middle of starting the LLC and will be wholesale partners with Joy Organics, thank you so much for this insight. This will help me and my wife give it our best shot at success

  6. Hi Todd! Thanks for sharing. I am one of the peoples who CBD business did not take off like I hoped. You mentioned many of the things I did wrong in this video. For instance, while my packing looked great, my website did not look trustworthy. Another mistake I made was not having a budget set aside for marketing. Another thing I lacked was having a niche for who I wanted to target. Once I stopped seeing results I began abandoning my cbd business. This video was a great eye opener not only for cbd business, but any business. Thanks again for sharing.

  7. Well that is an extreme example but it’s on the right track. We just formed s-Corp and we are interested in possibly becoming white label partners with Joy Organics.

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