Triple Murder Suspect vs. New Mexico State Police | xQc Reacts

Video by Midwest Safety: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! …


  1. Why did she get charges? I guess they should put charges on the dog too, maybe some charges on the breakfast she ate earlier, since they all have the same amount of involvement. -100k and prison for being disabled and controlled by a murderer i guess? NA moment

  2. surely the woman who can barely walk and talk is a murder accomplice, she cant even get into a car by herself. turning a disabled womans service dog into animal control is beyond stupid. she has 90 seizures a day even WITH THE MEDICATION

  3. Hey whadup Felix, no need to thank me for coming out, this video was INSANE. I stayed until the end and there was a little surprise at the end and I really liked it! I’ve subscribed, liked, followed, left a comment to see how it goes and made sure to hit the bell on the way out.

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