What Really Causes Epilepsy?

More than 50 million people suffer from epilepsy, a neurological disorder where neurons malfunction and fire at the same time, …


  1. Now, when I had Grand mal seizures my parents were told to put something between my teeth so I didn’t bite my tongue. This was When I was a child age 3. I’ve had 3 types of seizures.

  2. I just recently got diagnosed with epilepsy at 23 this year, well just about a week ago. I had my first seizure January of this year, then my second this month. I had three seizures first one again like always started in the morning. But the difference is this time I kept having seizures, the hospital ended up sedating me after my third one because I wouldn’t have stopped having them. But I was put on anti-seizure meds and have now been adjusting to the changes not even mentally. But physically. It’s scaring knowing at any point I could seize up and it’s even worse that they do not know what is causing it. Sadly I’m afraid I may have always had signs because there were abnormal things I had endured since childhood that have surprisingly occurred more intensely right before my seizures. I never ever thought I’d ever have seizures. But here I am now having to learn about them because I am now epileptic

  3. Cops need to be trained to deal with medical problems Like seizures and not treat everyone like there high on drugs. Watch the video i just uploaded cops beating me for having a seizure.

  4. I hadn't had a seizure in over 33 years UNTIL I was fitted with WIDEX Bluetooth hearing aids. I could have died and my condition has been extremely worsened. STAY AWAY FROM BLUETOOTH EAR PIECES.

  5. As an epileptic…a teenage epileptic, I understood what it really looks like in the head. Unfortunately, my medications have recently failed me. I hope it will be fine. Thank you for the interesting video Which helps deepen knowledge about epilepsy

  6. Im 17 and i was diagnosed with epilepsy when i was 9
    This is the first time i actually got to know what happens i have a seizure bwahaha, thanks for the video

  7. Hi i m daily weed smoker 1 year and today I was going to toilet and I got pain in my leg very pain and me goes in darkness and when I wake up and see I caught my self in collapsed down side of my basin how it's happened

  8. I know what causes it but this is a good video. I almost had a seizure yesterday (Xmas Day) first time in a while they had been well controlled (I have generalised idiopathic epilepsy and have myoclonic and tonic/clinic grand mal seizures) my sister is a paramedic and she was here I got the warning signs (muscle spasms and aura) and she walked me to my bed where I lay and breathed in and out and luckily it didn't progress to a full grand mal. It's so scary though the feeling of being helpless and it feels like you're body is getting shocks and takes your breath away.

  9. Thank you for explaining this, I got epilepsy when I was 2 years old then it left me. Then when I turned 19 years old it came back. I do have a video explaining

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